Trigger Happy

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I knew it.

I knew this was gonna come back and bite me in the ass.

How could I be so stupid to think that Tahj really wanted to be with me? This was it. This was the last straw and my final breaking point.

I take the box of Tahj's things and I toss them outside. I lock the the door and make sure that this time the chain is on. There was no way in hell he was coming back in my shit.

I'm so upset right now that I'm shaking. What did I do that was so wrong that he had to go and do this to me? I grab my phone and call up Zaree crying.


"Z she's pregnant" I say crying. "He got her pregnant."

"Wait, calm down." Z tells me. "Who's pregnant?"

"The girl that Tahj was cheating with me on." I begin crying even harder. "And get this, she's having a girl."

"Bitch I'm coming over."

About 15 minutes later Zaree pulls up and I'm she's holding me while I cry my eyes out. Z's consoling me and in walk Tahj.

"Sorry I took sooo--"

"Nigga get the fuck out!" Zaree says standing up.

"Babe what's wrong?" Tahj asks ignoring Z.

"Nigga you heard me! I said get the fuck out."

"Bitch fuck you!"

"I got your bitch" out of nowhere Zaree pulls out a gun. "Now like I said either get the fuck out or you can be carried out. Your choice."

"Ky you gon' let your friend pull a gun out on me?" Tahj says with his hands up.


"Okay I see how it is" Tahj says. "You know what fuck you Kyla. Fuck you and the baby." Tahj slams the door as he leaves and I feel a sudden release. I know that for sure it's over between me and Tahj.

"Bitch I'm gonna leave this gun here in case he's dumb enough to come back."

~ six months later ~

"C'mon push bitch" I hear Z yell at me.

"GET THIS BABY OUTTA ME" I yell in pain.

"Just keeping pushing you're doing fine" the doctor tells me.


"Just a few more pushes Kyla. You're doing great I promise."

30 minutes later I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Once I had him in my arms it was love at first sight. The moment I was finally waiting on was here. My prince has finally entered the world.

"Can I hold him?" Zaree asks.

I hand my son over to Z and for a second I wish it was Tahj that I could share this moment with. Over the last six months Tahj and I have had zero contact with each other. He hasn't reached out to me and I damn sure wasn't going to reach out to him. He was gonna need me and my son before we ever needed him.

"Hey stanka butt. Hey. Hey" Z says. "You gave my best friend a hard, you know that? But it's okay because we love you already stanka."

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