Blood lines and Blood ties ch.4

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I open my eyes and the memories of the night before flooded my head. Crèches and his strong arms around me the feeling of his body up against mine. It felt right.

"Crèches?" I spoke without thinking looking around and then an arm from behind pulled me closer. I turned around and looked in to his eyes that were no longer a dull grey but a passionate deep blue.


" Yes you our my Goddess. How do you feel?"

It was then when I realized my body felt strong but my throat burned as if it had been scorches from the inside. I grabbed my throat and looked at him with shock in my eyes.

"Don't worry my love we will hunt for your first kill which I know you will enjoy."

"No I cant kill anyone and I don't want to. Why? Would I"

I looked at him and his eyes turned black with what looked like rage."

"What do you mean you will not kill, you will die other wise." He placed his hands around my throat and lifted my body. The sheet fell. Without hesitation and almost like second nature a gust of wind flew and threw Crèches across the room. I landed on my feet almost cat like. I grabbed a silk robe and walked towards Crèches who had now recovered. I looked at him with rage.

"Don't ever touch me like that again."

A flame appeared in my palm and I played with it for a second before putting it out. Some thing in side told me to burn him, punish him but then I remembered I didnt want to be like him. He looked at me with shock and understanding and just like that his eyes were blue again.

"Im sorry my Goddess but the thought of lousing you after so long is hard for even a vampires hart to bear."

"You have no hart. My name is Maya Vercelli and pleas stop calling me Goddess I know I have memories of her in a past life but that was then and this is now. I will hold on to as much of me as I can."

"Did I hurt you or scare you?" He moved closer to me and took my face in both hands. I stood still waiting. He searched my eyes for a moment and after a moment I pulled away.

"What Stop looking at me."

What did he think one night of passionate vampire sex would bring back memories whatever.

"No but when vampires mate they can hear each others thoughts and even worse now because I made you our bond is stronger now." He walked out the door and left me.

I'm sorry but I might have the same name as her and memories from my past life living as Maya but I was still me and making new memories as a 20 year old college student. I was normal until now and Crèches said it was his fault if he hadn't left me. What did he mean? I walked to the sink and started the hot water I needed to soak. Did vampires soak...Yes most definitely. Now taking a bath was a new experience vampire enhanced. I could see the water particles it was like small diamonds. I relaxed and once I felt like I had forgotten my problems and left them their I got out. I still had a robe on and when I came out a green gown lay on my bed, with a bra underwear and corset all black and gold shoes with straps .On it a note

"You our a vampire Goddess now you will dress as one and behave as a lady. Caessis." Who was he? I took my time getting dressed this was my first time been a powerful vampire goddess I wanted to look flawless.

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