Blood lines and Blood ties ch5

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I walked out my sweat and saw their a man standing guard.

"Who our you?"

"I am James I will be your guard."

"No I don't need a guard I can take care of my self."

I lifted my palm so he could see the flame dancing

"I believe you but why get dirty when I can avoid the whole incident with my vision." He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.

"Visions you have visions. Wow so did you see me coming.

"Not until you spoke like you did we just thought you were dinner."

I could feel my eyes bulge who was this smart ass...I would be glad to teach him a lesson. I felt my hand heat up and let the fire role out of my palm like a ball towards his ass. I missed but he got the message. He looked surprised by my powers.

"Sorry but you were just dinner and now you're a Vampire God Incarnate. Get over the little shit"

"I don't like you." I kept it simple.

"To Fucking bad. Now quit your shit and lets go"

"Go where."

"To Dinner."

I still hadn't figured out how I was going to eat my dinner, Blood.

"We got your dinner from a donor but you need to chose"


"Who ever you chose will be your human."

We walked in to a huge hall and their stood three human men. I could smell their blood and hear their hart beets. They sounded louder as I got closer and my throat burned.

"Drink my Goddess you could kill them now and sooth your throat."

I herd this voice in my head speak and realized it was Crèches who was also standing next to the humans.

How could I take them No! I cant. I thought but I couldn't help my self with in a swift moment I approached the first man and took his life. I watch from above the room. I grabbed the man and wrapped my arms around him and held him their tightly. I bit down and sucked but after a second the blood just flowed out.The man didn't even resist. I watched as Crèches and James joined me and finished off the other two men. Then Crèches slammed his whole body in to me throwing me across the room causing me to drop the man. Like a worm whole I returned to my body.

"What the fuck Crèches."

"I'm sorry but if you drained him completely you would die with him too."

"How about a warning next time." I put out the flame that had been building.

"I still want another one but I would like him to stay alive."

James smiled

"I new you would say that." Than another vampire came in with two more humans. Each of them held a read rose and bowed before me.

"Goddess except our blood as an offering."

I was shocked they new what they were hear for. I walked over to them

"Pleas stand up. I don't know what to say but thank you."

"You can only pick One the other will die." Crèches spoke in my head.

"No they will both live Im the goddess and because of you I killed a man. You new better Crèches than to let me walk in hear with those men."

"Fine." Crèches spoke out loud.

"The goddess will take you both."

"What our your names."

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