Chapter 21: I Should Move On

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Tristan's POV

"She is fine but she is lacking a few vitamins and she seems a bit stressed out, which isn't good for the baby." Baby?

"What baby?" I questioned.

"Your fiancé is 2 months pregnant." The doctor announced, making me stumble back.

I never had sex with her which means that the baby was not mine. Jake was right when he said that Ashely didn't deserve me.

Life is so fucked up right now...


Sofie's POV

I was awaken when I heard the front door slamming. I jumped up, and grabbed the closest thing to me, which was the TV remote, ready to hit this intruder. I climbed over Scar's sleeping body on the floor, and gently shook Ali, who was asleep on the other sofa. She looked grumpy and tired, but I could care less about her right now because we could be robbed or killed.

"Someone is in the house." I whispered and she became alarmed.

She slowly straightened her position, wincing slightly when the baby decided to land a hard kick in her lower abdomen. She got up and waddled over to where her phone was, dialing someone's number. The person's footsteps could be heard as it got closer. Then the footsteps came to a halt and Zayn's "Pillowtalk" began playing. I frantically looked around to find the source of the sound when Ali placed her phone down and started walking towards the door.

"Ali, where are you going? Stay here before Tyler kills me when you get home." I whisper, yelled to her.

"Why would I kill you?" Tyler's voice rang throughout the voice.

I jumped in surprise and Ally began giggling. "It wasn't a burglar. It was Tyler all along." She spoke as she walked over to him and placed a kiss on his lips. 

His arms snaked around her and the kiss seemed to deepen. I cleared my throat and they broke apart, muttering a small "I miss you" to each other. 

"What is all of this noise about?" Scar's groggy voice called out to us.

"Sofie thought Tyler was a thief who was going to rob and kill us." Ali explained and Scar hummed in response. 

"So what's the plan for today?" Scar asked walking into the kitchen.

"Well I plan on spending the day with Tyler. If you know what I mean." She winked at Tyler and I prayed that she didn't start ripping his clothes off right here. 

"We can go shopping and have a girls day." I said, walking into the kitchen, leaving Ali and Tyler to themselves.

"Sounds good. I'll go home, get dressed, and I will meet you at the mall." 

"Okay. I'll meet you there at around 1:30." I responded.

After Scar left, I decided to pack up my clothes to return back home. I would visit again when they needed me, but right now they needed their privacy. I left out a pair of leggings along with my flannel shirt and a plain white tank-top. I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and stripped off my clothes. I jumped into the shower and adjusted the water to warm. Once I was satisfied with the temperature, I started lathering my body with body wash. This felt very relaxing. After half an hour, I was finished. I grabbed my towel and dried my skin off and wrapped it around my body. I walked back into my room and placed on my undergarments, along with some moisturizer. After that I wore my clothes, and brushed my hair, pulling it into a tight ponytail. 

Satisfied with my look, I picked up a pair of boots, and light jacket since it was starting to get cold in New York.  I placed my phone, apartment keys, and wallet into my purse and walked downstairs. I hugged Tyler and Ali and left. Once I was in my car, I checked the time and it said 12:30 and I had a text from Scarlett.

Sorry. Can't make it today. Jake wants to talk.

I sighed. At least one of us deserves to have a happy ending. I decided to go home to my apartment instead of going to the mall. After driving for 30 minutes, I was finally home. I stayed seated in my car, staring out the world that was unfolding before my eyes. All this time, I was holding onto the hope that Tristan and I were forever. I had him in my heart only. I never even thought about dating someone else, but I was fully replaced in his heart. To me, I felt so disappointed in myself that I now realized this, but it was good timing. I could save whatever is left of my heart from breaking and I should move on. 

I should move on... I know what I am doing today!


Hey Guys! I am so sorry for not updating. School has been so hectic and everytime I try to update, I don't have the right words to say. But I think I finally got it. This chapter was short and a filler for what is coming next and I can say that it will be good! 

Also... I might post a bonus chapter of Jake and Scarlet's conversation and how they felt after their short break from each other!

I hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to Vote and Comment!



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