Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV:

I woke up to the sound of waves hitting the shore outside my window. I got out of my bed and put on my bikini (above). I then brushed my teeth and hair and grabbed my board and went outside towards the waves.

Once I was out on the beach I tied my leash to my ankle and swam out far enough. I caught some waves and looked back towards the shore and saw some people that are usually early to church here. I also saw another guy that looked to be about my age, if he looked cute from this far away I can't imagine how cute he would be in person. He was watching me surf, that made me a little nervous but then I realized there was nothing to be nervous about, he's just some guy.

I then looked to my right and saw my sister Bethany and Alana and Karissa swimming out towards me.

"Hey girls"I said.

"Hey Skylar"Bethany said.

"How are the waves?"Karissa asked.

"There pretty good , I got a little distracted though"I said smiling at that guy.

"Ooooh does Skylar Hamilton have a crush"

"What are you crazy? First of all I haven't even met him, he could be some crazy psycho pervert. And second, he probably wont even like me back"I said. They all gave me a look clearly saying that they don't believe me. I just shrugged it off and we all went back to surfing.

Its been about 10 minutes since the girls and i had that "talk" and Alana and Karissa already went back to shore because they like to be early to church. I got so caught up in surfing that i didn't even realize that i was late to church until Bethany and I's brother Noah called us for church. We both immediately swam back to shore and put on our sun dresses and went to find our family in the crowd. Once i sat down i looked around the church and saw Alana and Karissa and their family. I also saw another guy behind him with a girl and another guy. It was the guy from the beach. Now that i was a little bit closer i could see his features better. He has emerald green eyes, he has dirty blonde almost brown hair, he is nice and muscular, and he had the most cute smile i have ever seen in my life.

He looked towards me and gave me a smile and waved, i waved back and gave him a smile as well and then continued back on church.


I know guys this chapter is much later than what i said it would be. I suddenly got crashed with a bunch of stuff and i got really busy. I will try to update the next chapter as soon as i can. Anyway thanks f

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