what you became

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Honestly?! Who the fuck would be calling at 4:00 am on a SATURDAY?!?! I needs mah beauty sleep! But still, that ring tone was annoying as hell (I swear I didn't set 

it. I blame that on Jess) and due to it annoyingness there was no way I could ignore it. "Hello?"


Oh hell no! "what the heck Jace?! It's 4:00 in the freaking morning, on a SATURDAY!!!"

"I know, I know, I.... I just...... I really miss you and I had to talk to you, to make you understand you-"

"JUST SHUT UP JACE!!!" I was getting really tired of him pulling this crap and just expecting me to not give a damn "I already told you it's over! you're the one who cheated, not me!! what did you think, that you could just apologize and I would come running right back into your arms?!" I was getting so pissed by now and that plus the beauty sleep... its safe to say i wasn't quite thinking about what I was saying "It doesn't work that way! It's over and you are never gonna get me back, no matter how many times you try and call. Now, leave me alone! I already have a new boyfriend!"

"What the heck!!! dra-"

I didn't wait for him to finish, I really couldn't care less about what he had to say any more.

So your probably wondering by now who I am and what that was all about. Well, my name is Drake McKenzie, I am 17, 5'7", I have black hair (in certain lights it looks blue or purple, that's just how black it is), and bright forest green eyes, and I'm gay. although you probably already figured out that last bit.

That guy that I was on the phone with just now, was my EX-boyfriend, Jace MCcarley a total doosh whom I caught having sex with my cousin at MY Christmas party last month. The worst part? He told me when we started out that he was completely gay, so get this, that particular cousin just happened to be a GIRL. So either someone (hint, hint) can change their sexual orientation rEEEEAAAllly fast, or he was lying to me all along.

"Shit!" I just realized what I told him. That I already have another boyfriend, which actually isn't true. But luckily his family decided to take a trip to the Philippines for summer break so that gives me two months to find a new boyfriend or risk him finding out I lied to him, a situation I really don't want to deal with.



I had been looking for a guy to be my pretend boyfriend all weekend... and i was turned down 16 times :( honestly i really don't understand it, you would think that every boy in the world would want a piece of this gummy bear sexiness, but nOOOoooo every single boy I asked turned me down flat. "stupid apes don't know what they are missing out on". I grumbled to my self as I walked to Starbucks for my morning coffee (I refuse to live without it)

unfortunately (or maybe it was fortunate) I was thinking about it so hard that I didn't even see the shops door until I ran into it, or more accurately, it ran into me


"O MY GOSH! I'm so sorry, are you okay? I didn't even see you there!"

As the guy helped me up I looked over the horrible monkey who had ruined my beautiful face.as soon as I saw his face I thought I had died and gone to heaven, this guy was tall like maybe 6'2" and he was muscular, like nicley muscular not all gross and nasty but like the perfect muscular for cuddling and lick- 'naughty drake, bad, no dirty thought this early in the morning' my eyes trailed up his body and finally reached his face. can someone please say Greek god! he had a strong jaw and short blond hair with a small quiff he had the strangest eyes I had ever seen, they were such a dark blue that I thought they were purple at first. this guy was altogether HOT!!!!!


"um... helloooo"

I was so busy staring at him that I hadn't even realized he was trying to get my attention.

"huh? yeah, um sorry what?"

" I was asking you if you were OK?"

"oh yeah i'm fine nothing broken. I'm Drake, Drake McKenzie" I reached out my hand for him to shake as he did the same. "Derrik Styles" even his name was ho- wait, crap!! I was just flirting (well I was in my head!) with the most popular guy in school! Derrik styles was the captain and quarter back of the football team, he was the guy that every girl (and even some guys) wanted him and every guy wanted to be, and as far as I knew he was completely straight. So I have no idea where the question I asked him next came from or what the hell I was thinking when I asked it.

"Do you wan't to be my boyfriend?"


As soon as the words left my mouth I was wishing I could take them back. I mean who in their right mind would agree to something like that? I looked up at him with wide eyes hoping and praying that he wouldn't just punch me and walk away.

"Um... What?" he looked so confused, it was sooo adorable! "Aren't you Drake, Jace Mcarly's boyfriend?

I could literally FEEL my face darken when he said HIS name. I'm not sure exactly what it looked like but it musta been scary cuz next thing I know he was backing away slightly ( I hadn't even realized that he had yet to let go of me. can we say BLUSH!) "I'm sorry did I say something wrong? he had his hands up and he was looking at me with wide eyes like I might randomly attack him.

"um no, sorry. He's not my boyfriend anymore. and I kinda don't like talking about him."

"oh sorry" he looked so bashful omg he was actually blushing .....

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