Kitauji Band Third Years

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Kumiko couldn't believe it, the year had come to an end. It not only brought an end to the semester, but an end to her highschool time. At the end of the day she found her way back to the band room. It was empty when she arrived but soon enough Taki-sensei showed up.

"Oh, Oumae-san, I didn't expect to see you here"

"Haha yeah I just came to the band room for one last time. Sorry if-"
She was cut of by Taki-sensei as he grabbed his bag and put his things in there

"It's alright I came to pick up some papers but it's good you're here, I've been meaning to talk to you about your career path." He turned back to face her

"If you ever need help, advice or just want to see a more real life view, feel free to come by"

"Yes sir!" And with that they parted ways

The rest of the day went by pretty smooth aside from all the crying from her friends

Soon they packed and moved to where they were headed and went on with their lives, not quite forgetting the family they joined.

I'm finally starting this thing, yes,
even with those unfinished stories.
Well I changed my username to match my Insta and Tumblr so yeah that happened. That's really the whole thing.

Band Adviser Kumiko AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ