Dinner For Two

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Kneeling next to her wife, Reina turned to her and asked "What's for dinner?"

*gasp*"I FORGOT TO MAKE DINNER! Reina, I'm sorry it passed over my head" she sighed, looking away from Reina's face

"It's ok Kumiko, I was thinking we could go out."

"Like a dinner date?"

"Mhm. You and me, a night out, eat at a restaurant, come home and watch a movie" Reina stated

Kumiko giggled "Reina you sap, you're like sweet maple syrup"

"No more sweeter than you."

Kumiko, playingly fanning herself, just giggled so more

"Wooh, Reina, you're so smooth."

"Is that not why you married me?"

"T-b-h it was for your money."

"Wow, ok, darn, I'm actually your sugar daddy, ok then," Reina stood up

"give me some sugar." She finished

*gasp*"Reina! You-you can't say that!!!" She pulled Reina closer and whispered " what if someone here's you."

"... then they'll hear me?" Reina shook her head "Even then, what's the problem, we do live alone and I pay rent, therefore I can say what I want. Can I not?"

"No. Only half of what you want to say can actually be said because I pay half of the rent and I cook." Kumiko replied

"Psh, whatever. Get ready or there's no date."



Even at the restaurant Kumiko could not stop thinking about Taki's offer

*exhale* Reina set her fork down
"Ok Kumiko, what's wrong? I Know I heard you talking to your plant about Taki-sensei, so spill it."

Kumiko just pick at her food

"Kumiko. Hey, look at me. You can tell me if something is bothering you, I'm here to support you."

All Kumiko did was turn away

"It's nothing."

Reina's face changed. Knowing she probably shouldn't press more about it, she still did. She really did want to know what had Kumiko so... off.
After a bit Kumiko set her hand down with a little too much pressure making the objects shake and Reina startled.

"Sorry. But can we just drop it and go home"

"No. You are going to tell me what happened, not here, but at home if you want."

Kumiko blew air threw her nose and agreed


The ride home was quiet for the most part

At a red light, Reina spoke

"Kumiko I just want to know what's wrong. You know that I -"


"-love you."

"Just don't, I don't want to argue in the car"

All Reina could do was exhale, grip the steering wheel harder,and leave it at that


When they got home they decided to continue with the plan of the movie night and got the things

Once it was time to sit down they were both hesitant but ultimately decided their argument wasn't worth it and sat down together, arms wrapped around each other and covered in blankets

Midway through the movie Kumiko spoke



"Taki-sensei called me earlier"

"I'm aware, and?"

"He's asked me to conduct the band"

"Like for a day? Is he alright?"

"Yeah, yeah he's alright, if he wasn't Hashi or Nayiima would've called me, they are his friends after all. I'm getting off topic, but the reason why is because he is retiring after this year."

"... oh"

"Reina, are you alright?"

"Yeah,yeah, I guess I'm just... surprised? I mean, I didn't expect him to retire so soon. He's been working for what, 15 years and" Reina couldn't quite get her words out " I guess after having my father conduct well into his mid 70s, until he had a heart problem, I didn't expect Taki, a healthy man in his early 50s to suddenly stop. I mean he did conduct for his wife, may she rest in peace, and he took the job after the old director decided to resign ,so what now? After those years, helping students grow, what is stopping him? My goodness Kumiko, what if he was not telling the truth and is dying?"

Kumiko grabbed her wife's face and just stopped her from continuing the ramble as cute as it may be.
She knew that Reina didn't stop caring for Taki-sensei even after her infatuation with him, he has been a family friend since her early years of life all the way to the current time.

"I'm not going to take the job. However, he did tell me that if my mind changes to call him."

"Oh, Kumiko, you have to take that job. Just think about it; you get to help students repair or discover their love of music, just as Taki and the band did for you."

All Kumiko could do was just sit their awkwardly, as usual.

"I mean, yeah, that's cool and all but am I even qualified!" It was more of a statement than a question " Yeah I can do private lessons and all but am I really qualified to conduct a band, Reina?"

"As much of a mess that you are, I think you are" chuckled Reina

"Wow. You should be a counselor, honey." Kumiko stated flatly

They giggled, exchanged some more words, and called it a night.

A/N: Well that's it for this chapter. Sorry I took so long but I kept having work to do. It is longer than the previous chapters however, at around 800+ words. Not a lot but the most so far. During all the KumiRei scenes I just sat here like ;3c
So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if there's any chapters please point them out.
And another thing:
I would really love feedback so if you have any comments, don't be afraid to share them, it's all welcome here
Alright sorry this A/N was kinda long.
Peace out!

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