Chapter 3

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"What are you doing tonight?" Harry asked, as he drove me home from Louis' house.

"I'm staying home, you?"

"What? Go out with your friends. I am."

"I only have Tanya, and she's working."

"Hmm.. You sure you'll be okay?"

"Yup." I nod, as we stop by my place, I smiled at Harry then gave him a peck and ran inside my house.

Here I am, spending my anniversary alone watching Disney movies and eating a tub of ice cream, wow. I bet Harry's having a good time with his friends.


"Hey, Tanya!" My co-worker Ruby calls for me.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Can you please go and ask that couple for their order?" She nods her head to a table.

"Sure." I walk up to the guys and get my pen and notebook ready.

"HI TANYA!" I look up from my notebook to see Harry with his arm around some blonde fake girl. Is he drunk?

"Harry, you have a girlfriend." I say sternly.

He shrugs and let's out a chuckle, "And she's right here." Then he unexpectedly kisses the girl who he has under his arm, then they start making out and I'm just shocked. What the hell.

My phone buzzed, I walked outside of the club to be away from the loud music and the sight of Harry.


"Hi.." I answer the call nervously.

"Hey! When do you finish your shift? I'm bored!"

"Few minutes, come and pick me up from the bar, oh and I need to show you something."

"Ok... Bye."

"Bye." I quickly hung up and went back to the bar to see Harry still making out with that girl, eugh.


'Tanya sounded a bit different in the phone call..' I thought as I made my way into the bar.

I spotted Tanya sitting down on a stool drinking coke and I sat down next to her, "Hey sis"

She looks up at me, "H-hi." she mumbles. What's up with her?

"Tanya? What's wrong? Did Louis do something to you?" I asked concerned.

She shook her head, "No no, um look forward."

I looked forward and saw Harry, my "boyfriend" making out with Cara.

I was so furious, I walked up to Harry and he saw me and pulled away from his make out session.

"Hey." He says casually.

"Are you serious??"

He looked at me confused, "What's wrong?"

"Oh my god. Harry, we're over. Happy fucking anniversary 'babe'" I shouted, I stormed out of the bar and cried. What just happened? A few seconds later, Tanya came by and stood next to me and gave me a side hug as I cried.

Then I heard footsteps and I looked up to see my best friend, Louis. He looked at me in confusion and sympathy. He looked at Tanya like he was asking her what happened. I took a deep breath, and managed to say, "Louis, he cheated on me."

Louis had his eyes wide then he rushed over to me and held me in his arms while I cried even more, he comforted me as we sat on the ground in front of the bar, I was broken. What am I going to do?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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