One: Bad Liar

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I'm smiling at the girl in front of me, but on the inside, I think I might shit myself.

"Baby! Yuh finally wake up!" she shouts, her eyes tearing up; she runs towards my bedside and pretty much throws herself on top of me.

As soon as her scent enters my nostrils, I'm hit with another strong wave of Deja Vu.

I've smelt her before.

She feels me stiffen in her arms, and pulls back a little.

"Caleb? Babe? You alright?"

How do I answer her? I don't even remember consciously, but she's obviously in love with me.

No, Evetta. I'm not alright.

This is so fùcked up.

"Well— I, I mean— define alright," I stutter, not being brave enough to tell her the truth.

"Does anywhere hurt?"


"How do you feel?"


"Okay?" I say, but it comes out sounding like a question.

Her eyes narrow the way that women's eyes do when they see through your bullshít, and I know that I'm in some deep shít.

"You're a shítty liar, Caleb. You always have been. Why can't you just tell me how you feel?"

My tongue seizes up; I can't talk, so I just stare at her with frightened eyes.

She's been in here for how long? Less than five minutes?

Yet she's already notice that something is wrong with me.

"Caleb. Talk to me. Please," she says now in a gentle, pleading voice.

Her brown eyes are wide and begging for me to comply.

I cave.

"I don't remember you, but I know you."

It's a relief to finally get these words off of my chest; but now, there's also the worry of just how much I've hurt her.

First she just stares at me, her eyes widening in shock. Then, her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What the fück does that even mean?" she asks sounding completely flabbergasted.

"I have no access to my memories of you, but everything about you — your voice, your appearance, your smell — give me this sense of Deja Vu. I heard your voice messages, and as soon as you walked into the room, before I even heard your voice, I knew it was you. I don't know why."

your smell

Now it sounds like I'm some creep who goes around sniffing women.

Great job, Caleb. Give yourself a pat on the back for that.

She continues to look at me, her expression merging into one of humour.

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