Part 2-New Me

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^^^Drawn By Me

Words: 312

Wirt' POV:

      As we walked further into the unknown, I clutched the rock firmly in my hand. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked barely audible. 

"I need you to be the next Beast, and I'm going to teach you how." It replied back, not looking back.

   I was defiantly surprised, terrified even. From being a normal boy with normal teenage problems to being a murderer and trapping people in a living nightmare. So many questions were racing through my mind. Would I be the same me? Could I ever see Greg again? Would I ever see my family again? All of it was giving me a headache. 

    It stopped making me run right into its back. It had a weird texture. Like mist or fog, it was defiantly interesting. "What's going on? Why did we stop?" I asked backing up from the thing. 

"So many questions, boy." It stopped to take a sigh. "To answer you, I'm dying.  I need someone to take my place. Now we need to change you." 

"W-What do you mean c-c-change?" 

It gave a dark chuckle. " We need to make you look more like me, of course."

    Dark streams of shadows rushed towards me from The Beast. They all wrapped around me tightly, making me loose oxygen. I struggled for air and squirmed but they only wrapped tighter. Two of them wrapped around my eyes, which was painful and made me scream bloody murder, and ripped them out viciously. Some of them created horn like attachments from my head, others ripped through my hat and cloak. It was all painful, so much painful that I almost passed out after everything. Almost, but not. Despite the exhaustion, I felt powerful. Like I could do anything.

The weirdest thing happened, I had a urge. 

The Urge To Survive and Create.

The End Is The Beginning Of A New Life (OTGW Alternate Ending Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now