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I watched Seike as he finished his drink quickly, avoiding looking in anywhere in my direction. I frowned at his strange behavior; why has he been acting so nervous around me? I tapped on his shoulder and he flinched,

“Are you ok?” I laughed, and he gave me a forced smile.

“Y-yeah, I’m… I’m fine. Why?”

I shook my head, “You just don’t seem all that comfortable... Are you sure nothing is bothering you?”

“I’m sure,” he nodded, “I’m j-just tired, I guess.”

I pursed my lips as I tried to think of something to calm him down, since it was pretty obvious that Seike was lying to me. I looked out to the crowd of people and noticed that there was a large number of them in the middle of the room dancing to a slow song that was playing. I raised my eyebrow as I thought of something that I could do.


“Huh?” he looked at me, and I realized that he had already started on another drink. I sighed and shook my head dismissively,

“Would you care to dance?” I asked him as I gestured out to the room. He seemed quite surprised at my question, and took a moment to answer hesitantly,

“Uh… s-sure, yeah,”

I placed a guiding hand on Seike’s back as we walked out to the middle of the room, and I put my arm around his waist, making him gasp just slightly. He seemed to realize what I was doing, as he put an arm around my neck, and I took his hand.

“So,” I began quietly, “are you enjoying the party yet?”

Seike glanced up at me, then looked down, “It’s ok, I g-guess.”

I had a curious expression on my face as I listened to him stutter, and I figured that it was because of his being nervous, and I realized that it wasn’t as bad as before. Was it because of the drinks, or was he just a bit more comfortable with me then before? I did hope that it was the latter; I was very interested by Seike. He was a very unique person, and I wanted to get to know him better; I guess you could say, that I was interested in him.

I looked down at Seike’s now calm face, and I noticed his body wasn’t nearly as tense as when we first began to dance. Our bodies swayed slowly to the music, and Seike looked up at me,

“You know, I never asked… do you have a boyfriend?”

I raised my eyebrows, not expecting him to talk about that anymore,

“No, I don’t. I can never find the right guy,”

He nodded his head understandingly, “So, you do want one?”

I smiled softly at him, “Yeah… I do.”

He looked at me, a lot longer than I expected him to. His lips were parted in the slightest, and I struggled to keep myself from kissing them, knowing that he would probably bolt as soon as I did. To my - slight - disappointment, he looked down from my face, and after a moment, he rested the side of his head on my shoulder. I smiled to myself, happy not to have messed anything up yet.


After we had been dancing for a while Seike decided that he wanted another drink, so I reluctantly let go of him and we made our way through the crowd and back to the bar.

“You’re a good dancer,” I complimented him as he ordered his third drink so far today, and gave me a quick smile, too focused on getting his alcohol.

“Thanks,” he said, then grabbed the drink that was handed to him and downed it almost immediately. I frowned at his eagerness, and I put a caring hand on his shoulder,

More Than Just A Pretty Face ~ Seike x Patrik (Kerbera & Bataar)Where stories live. Discover now