Start Over

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*Seike’s P.O.V.*

I opened my eyes and groaned as I was blinded by the light that spilled into the room through the window. My head throbbed with pain as my eyes adjusted, and I soon realized that I was in a bedroom that I didn’t recognize as my own. I lifted the sheets that covered me and sighed with relief when I saw that I was fully clothed.

I sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room, then got up and cautiously made my way to the door. I opened it and looked out, and I saw a man… Patrik. He was sitting on the couch watching TV, and I slowly walked over, careful as not to scare him.

“Hey,” I greeted him groggily.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” he asked me softly, and I blinked slowly,


He looked at me with a sympathetic look on his face, “I know, Seike, I know. Do you remember anything from last night?”

I stood there and pursed my lips as I thought about it. “No, not really. I remember doing a fashion show… and going to a party. That’s all I can remember.”

Patrik nodded, “Well… we went to the after-party and you had quite a bit to drink; not too much happened… but you did kind of start pole-dancing…” he trailed off, and I raised my eyebrows.

“Wow. I hope that’s all I did?”

He seemed to think for a moment, and then nodded, “Yeah.”

“Good,” I sighed, then suddenly widened my eyes. I ran back to the area that I came from and saw the bathroom. I ran in, then dropped to my knees in front of the toilet and threw up.

“Are you ok?” Patrik asked from the other room, and after a moment he was standing in the doorway.

“Oh, hun,” he said in a soft tone, then quickly walked over to me. He sat on the edge of the tub which was right next to the toilet, and he held my hair for me as I threw up again.

“It’s ok. Take deep breaths,” he whispered as he rubbed my back soothingly with one hand and continued to hold my hair with the other. I listened to him and took deep breaths trying to calm down, and after a few minutes I was starting to feel a bit better. I pulled away from the toilet and rested my head on Patrik’s legs.

“Are you ok?” he asked as he began to stroke my hair, and I let out a brief groan before answering.

“I think so.” My voice was hoarse and my throat was burning, but I made no move to get up from the position I was in, enjoying the feel of Patrik’s hand on my head.

He leaned over and planted a kiss on my head, “Let me get you some aspirin.”

I got up and so did he, and he got me the aspirin and a cup of water. I took it then gave the cup back to him, “Thanks… Uh, do you have like, an extra toothbrush or something?”

Patrik chuckled and opened the cabinet again, and he pulled out a new toothbrush and gave it to me, “Here you go.”

“Thank you,” I said, and he left the room so I could brush my teeth.

Once I was finished, I walked into the living room, then face-planted onto the couch, moaning in pain. I heard Patrik come into the room and walk over to me, so I sat up, making room for him. He sat down next to me and I immediately leaned over and placed my head on his shoulder, and he rested his head on mine.

“How come you’re being so nice to me?” I asked quietly.

“Well, why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know, maybe because you just met me yesterday and all I did was be a drunken idiot. I don’t get why you’d help me out and let me sleep in your apartment when you could’ve just left me there so you wouldn’t have to deal with me.”

Patrik sighed, “I couldn’t do that to you, I like you.”

I frowned, “Why?”

He lifted his head, and I looked up at him. He was looking at me with a weird expression.

“Why not? You’re nice, funny, unique, talented, beautiful, how could I not like you?”

I didn’t say anything, I only looked into his greenish-blue eyes, and I felt weird inside… and not just from the hangover. I couldn’t explain it but as I looked at him, I felt… good.

I couldn’t stop myself with what I did next; I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pushed my lips onto his. I felt him tense up, but he relaxed as I kissed him again. He took his hand and buried it in my hair, holding my head as he kissed me back, then sat up straighter as he snaked his other arm around my waist and pulled me close.

I wrapped both of my arms around his neck and licked his bottom lip asking for entrance, and he opened his mouth. I slid my tongue in exploring every inch of his mouth, and Patrik let out a small moan as I ran my tongue along the bottom of his.

We continued to kiss for almost half an hour, coming very close to doing… other things, as we became very passionate, him eventually ending up on top of me and straddling me.

Patrik broke the kiss and looked at me with a smirk as he panted slightly, “So… be mine?”

“Of course,” I grinned, and I kissed him once more.


Sorry for the short chappy, this was a sexy-time filler chappy XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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