Chapter 13: New People

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It was 5 in the morning when I woke up. I looked over at him and saw him sleeping. This boy could sleep all day if he had the chance I swear. I quietly made my way up to my room because I didn't want to wake mom up. She was going to drive us to the airport at 10 a.m and she's an early riser.

Successfully I made it back to my room. I took a quick shower and changed into some comfy clothes.

"Good morning honey." My mom said as I made my way to into the kitchen.

"Hello mother."

"How'd you sleep?"

"Oh you wouldn't believe how good I slept."

"That good! Well I'm glad you got a good nights sleep."

"Mhmm." She doesn't have a clue what I meant by that. Which I'm kind of glad she doesn't.

"Good morning." Mikey said from behind us.

"Oh good morning. How'd you sleep?"

"Wonderful." He said looking over at me and winking. I giggled and walked out. He followed me.

"We leave today." I whined.

"I know babe, but we only have two months left. Then you can come back to your family."

"But you won't be here." I whispered. We hugged for a while, then I went up to go get my phone. I had some messages from Gabby which I looked at.

From: Gabala
You will not guess who is joining the tour...

From: Gabala
Bitch answer me. I need you to guess other wise I would have put that for not reason.

From: Gabala
It's been a minutes hoe-bag.

From: Gabala
Fine. I'll give you a clue... "I'm a flop"

From: Gabala
I'm starting to think you're dead. Answer back if you are alive.

From: Gabala
I feel like I'm the most annoying friend you've had.

From: Gabala
But I don't care. I'm gonna spam you until you answer my texts.

From: Gabala
Wes is daddy af. I swear.

From: Gabala
Good thing I'm dating him.

From: Gabala
Oh my gooud chica si no me contesta... imma fight you

From: Gabala
See you made my Spanish come out. Lo que me hace hacer

To: Gabala
I totally read as a mad Puerto Rican 😂. You are the most annoying friend I've ever had, but I still love you. And the person is Zach.
(They are P.R)
To: Gabala
No es mi culpa que tu te enojé rápido. Okay I'm done with Spanish. I don't know how to spell it correctly. I need to get another keyboard for that.

From: Gabala
Por fin contesta! Ya estaba pensando que te vía muerto. Yes boo you do.

To: Gabala
I got some major chisme i need to tell you when I we see each other.
*yes gurl, they speak Spanish. Gabby is technically one of my friends in really life that agreed to take part of this. I speak it. We also sign. So a lot of weird shit is gonna happen. Just so y'all know (let me know if you want stuff translated. Don't use google translate most of the time they don't even have the correct stuff)

**who here speaks Spanish?? I just wanna know.

***or know how to sign??
I finished putting all the stuff I was taking with me into my suitcase, then laid on my bed cause I'm a lazy fuck.

*skipping plane ride*

The plane ride was short we were going to Omaha that's like two hours away, so now we play the waiting game. Not even an hour later they all arrived. We made our way to get their stuff and then to a hotel. I checked my e-mails and saw that Zach, Ariel, Weston, and Tyler were going to be guests for I think five shows. Weston and Tyler are freaking amazing as fuck and I've never personally met Ariel so I can't really say anything about her until we talk.

"Baaaaaaabe." Mikey called while dragging out the a.

"Yeeeeeees?" I mimicked.

"Come here." He said. He was standing by the wall that led into the bathroom. "Dance with me."

"Sweetie there is no music playing."

"We don't need the beat of a song if we have the beat of our hearts..." He took my hands and placed them on top of his shoulders. After pulling me closer he placed his arms around my waist. We swayed back and forth for a bit. I was really enjoying this moment. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. I wouldn't change what we have for anything in the world. I want to be by your side forever, because I truly believe that you are the love of my life. The person who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you Sofia."

"And I love you Micheal." He leaned down to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss. Being with him really makes me happy.

We sat on the couch just sitting in silence enjoying each other's presence.

"Let's go eat." I said standing up. He put his shoes on and we made our way to the lobby.

After we got some lunch we walked to a park just to kill time. We didn't have an event today and there really isn't anything fun to do.

"Lets get back to the hotel. We can go swimming." Mikey suggested. I nodded in agreement.

Back at the hotel, we changed into our swim wear and actually met up with some of the other people so we could all hang out.

I was standing on the edge of the pool just about the get in when of course someone pushed me in. I need to learn from this. They always do it.

"I fucking hate you guys." I said was I rose from the water. It was Mikey, Bryce, and Wes who pushed me. I should have learned my lesson by now. They always do that to me when we go to the pool. Mikey jumped in afterwards and came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

He moved closer to me, pushing himself more onto my body.
"We should get out of here." He whispered.

"I think we should." We got out of the pool and made up an excuse to leave.
"Yo guys, were gonna head up to our room. My mom wants to talk to us." They all nodded and we ran up to our room.

I'm sure you know what happened when we got there 😉

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