Question 4

732 16 3

Hopping up and down, a girl sat on a stool as she blinked, Say, I could put a Pokémon in their full potential without even using one of your machines, and I was also able to tell them what to do, would you want to learn more of say that ability I posessed, or try to beat it?

That caught the young researcher's interest, and he gazed at her in surprise. "Is that so?" He asked, a polite smile forming. "I see. Yes. People and Pokémon can have a better and deeper understanding of each others' strengths by engaging in battle. And if you say what you mean, and you truly do possess such an ability...I would like to beg for your assistance in my task to understand the strength of Pokémon. Is it the bond, the trust, between you and your Pokémon, that you think makes them so strong?"

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