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~Before you read, it is important that any comments, made directly by the character aren't personal opinions, just my try to deepen the character. Also, not gonna lie i'm not the best writer so please enjoy, but I do apologize for any bad grammar :)~

*Picture above is Bailey*

"Oi bitch" shouted a gruff man, his beard containing yesterday's lunch. Bailey in the corner span on her heels facing this giant.

"Yes dickhead what do you want". His grin moulded itself into a state of shock. His eyebrows raising, fists clenched. The giant took a deep breath and shortly replied with-
"What did you call me"?
"Dickhead, you deaf as well?" Her words rolling of her tongue. She was never one to keep her mouth shut, she strongly believed that being called a derogatory name was insensitive and demeaning and thus in turn would stand up for herself, even if it was too the jaws from James bond look alike.
"You better shut your mouth before I-"
"Before you what? Hurt me, do bad things to me, kill me? U lay one finger on me and i shove that finger so far up your arse that it will come out your mouth" she spat. Her hand strongly placed on her hip. She came out tonight with her friends to get rat arsed and forget how shit she did in her a-level exams. Instead, she had been grouped by the demon barber of fleet Street (the local freaky hairdresser), ditched by her friends and bumped into many men trying to chase skirts. This slobbering, dirty old man was no different to the guys she met at the club, despite him owning the local kebab van, nevertheless he still believed he was the top dog.
"You've got fire in you little girl" he stated. His creepy manner morphed into anger. The sparks in his eyes dying. "I'd be careful what you say around here. You never know who you're talking too".
"Wow, I'm so scared". The girl said sarcastically. She turned around hot on her heels and sauntered away towards the Brighton pier.
"Little girl, don't forget to respect your elders".
"Whatever animal killer".

It was a cold night, the rain piercing the girls delicate skin. Soon twelve O'clock became one O'clock and one- two, the euphoric, meant to be 'fun', night turning into one of a nightmare. No travel or money (recently stolen by a delinquent dipshit, nicking purses at the local nightclub), she carried on trudging along Brighton seafront, occasionally spotting the odd couple licking each others throats out in a decrepit alleyway. 2015 had been a shit year filled with family, friends and boyfriend trouble, even college trouble. Her English literature teacher, an ex army officer, had a personal vendetta against her since she and her ex-best friend outed him to the school for his relationship with the cleaner. Not that there was anything wrong that he was dating 'her' just he could do soo much better. The main reason wasn't even because of 'her', Rebecca, the girls best friend, had an unhealthy obsession for the English teacher. Thus, resulting in Rebecca to be committed to the local 'loony bin'. After the police were involved, due to Rebecca constantly stalking the matt Damon lookalike, she was determined mentally unstable and as a result of what she believed was a ridiculous statement to make she threatened to kill the cleaner and capture the English teacher (No, her exact words weren't that PG but the gist was 'kill' and capture'). Bailey on the otherhand despite her involvement with the 'Stalking adventures' was declared sane and continued with her A-level studies at the college. She was thankful of the fact she may actually have a chance at continuing with her dream of becoming a journalist but couldn't help having the thought that if she was exclude she wouldn't have to do her exam in two months.  As a result of the police involvement her English lit class was reassigned to the other tutor ( an ancient lady with chin hair, determined to bring creationism onto the syllabus) not that she cared about loosing the eye candy, because unlike her friend (ex-friend) she was not an old man chaser. Despite the clear and Bailey would agree well reasoned- 'no relationship, no contact, keep away' rule, the toy boy English teacher still made regular scowls and tuts in the corridor. The girl did visit her friend in the hospital, however soon became clear that her childhood best friend did not want anything to do with her, since she blamed her for never getting into, and I quote "a serious long-term official relationship" with the twice her senior English teacher.

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