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"What's your favorite band?" My best friend/roommate, Emily asks

"Why?" I ask

"Because I'm trying to set you up on a blind date with someone I met a few weeks ago and he needs to know what kind of music you like" she's says

"Em when were you planning on telling me you were setting me up on a blind date?" I ask

"Tomorrow" she nonchalantly

"And why is that?" I ask

"Because it's the day of the date" she says

"Emmmmmmm" I say slightly annoyed

"Please Y/N" she whines

"Fine, and my favorite band is Panic At The Disco" I say

"Yay! I'll tell him" she says

"Can I at least know this dudes name?" I ask

"Nope" she says

"Whyyyyy?" I ask

"Cause it's a secret" she says

"At least tell me where we are going so I know what to wear" I say

"Your going to that nice pizza place then to see a movie" she says

"Okay" I say and get up before walking into my room

[Emily's POV]
Me: she said her favorite band is panic at the disco
Brendon: I love them
Me: I've never heard of them
Brendon: well you could say I'm pretty close with them
Me: that's cool and btw this is Y/N
*Insert picture here*
Brendon: wow
Me: I have to go but I'll talk to you later
Brendon: bye

*the next day*
[Y/N's POV]
I decide on a grey sweater, some blue skinny jeans, and some black lace up ankle boots

"How do I look?" I ask Emily as I walk into living room

"You look great" she says

"Okay I'm going to put on some makeup" I say and walk back into my bedroom
"Can I at least know his name before I go?" I beg Emily

"Nope" she says

"Then how the fuck will I know who he is?" I ask

"I already showed him what you look like and told him your name you'll be fine" she says

"Urgh, whatever" I say before grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket

"Good luck" she says as I'm walking out the door

"Thanks" I say closing the door and running down the stairs of our apartment building

I get into my uber and tell the driver the address

In just a few minutes I'm walking into the pizza place and sitting down

"Hi are you ready to order?" A waitress asks a few minutes after I sit down

"Actually I'm waiting on someone" I say

"Okay then do you want anything to drink while you're waiting?" She asks

"Um just a water please" I say

"Coming right up" she says and walks off

About two minutes later she brings out a water and sets it down on the table and says "here you go"

Blind Date///Brendon Urie (x-reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now