Angels don't exist | The Hunt

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The Hunt

The three man tactical team locate the small village that has sighted reports of a winged girl. The Organisation has tabs on everything and most of it turns out to just be gossip. However, when four different people from the same area post on social media or call their local police station about seeing a girl with wings, it boosts credibility.

David is the youngest guy on the team and has only been in-the-know less than a year. He was sceptical when he went to the interview at first and he's still baffled whenever he encounters "something out of the ordinary" as they call it.

Ramon is the leader of the tactical team and the best "hunter" the Organisation has got. He's captured telepaths, vampires, physics, centaurs, mermaids, and so much more. He's a pro.

Bill has been Ramon's right hand man for a solid couple of years and never ever brings Ramon's authority into question. In his eyes, his superior can do no wrong.

David wasn't too happy to be called along with the two of them, even though many of his colleagues congratulated him. It was an honour to be grouped with the best, especially when you were still relatively green. The head of the Organisation had chosen to do so because despite his lack of experience, David was a natural with everyone, humans and "others".

"Alright boys, gear up," Ramon says with a hungry grin and slams shut the car door on the black SUV.

David gets out from the back and feels the nerves setting in. It's his first proper "hunt". Until now, he's only been dealing with the "others" back at head quarters. He's a scientist and fascinated by all the abilities they possess but this feels... wrong.

It's like it finally dawns on him that the creatures don't just magically appear locked up back at HQ. He was only allowed to see and examine them in person two months ago after he had put in a solid six months of pure technical research.

It shook him then, at least slightly. He examined a mermaid and though she didn't speak, he wondered how aware she was of her capture. Others assured him she was fine, she had mostly fish brain and they gave her medicine to keep her in check. A mermaid's siren call lured people to drown themselves.

So David had pushed away the thought of it being wrong. Most of these creatures were dangerous and that's why they were detained. He tells himself that now as his feet hit the ground.

"Listen up, newbie. You follow my instructions to a T, comprendre?"

David nods and refrains from bashing Ramon's attempt at Spanish. If it even was that.

He swings the rucksack over his back and secures it with the front straps. It's heavily loaded with all sorts of things; books, clothes, a variety of pills and oils, a tranquilizer gun, a dart gun, a big specially made net and lots more.

Most is for catching this winged girl if she's real. David isn't sure whether she will be. They certainly don't have anything like it back at HQ, unless it's above his clearance level.

The three men go house to house to interview the four people, who've made the claims to see them. Most of them are surprised and some initially try to hide or dismiss what they said.

Bill warned David that this happens often since the Organisation gets the information through back channels and sometimes something as simple as a post on Twitter.

Once they've pried the information out of the confused villagers, Ramon calls for a huddle. Two of the sightings are practically on top of each other and a second is near by. The third is more out and isolated and the old lady, who had reported it seemed more likely to have seen a big bird and mistaken it.

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