Angels don't exist | The Cage

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The Cage

David attempts anything to stick to his promise but he's meeting obstacle after obstacle. He managed not to let either Ramon or Bill touch her but once they arrived with HQ it was a different story. She was rushed off but for whatever reason the men seemed to have an awful trouble holding onto her. The three of them were held back and none of them had been happy with that.

David tried to explain his scientist clearance but he was denied access and told the angel – which they now all had started calling her – was too valuable to be handled by common scientists. Only the cream of the cream would have access to her.

David immediately put in a request to see the CEO of the Organisation but it had been three days now and he had still not gotten a reply. He'd tried to pull subtle favours with colleagues but nothing had gotten him near Penna.

He couldn't sleep but he spent his nights working on a petition to re-evaluate the danger level scale and release those who were not deemed to be a threat. He was pouring his heart into the text as well as supporting it with facts he'd concluded from the two past month of his research.

On the morning of the third day, he waltz up to the highest floor of the building and strolled right past the secretary.

"Wait! You can't go in without an appointment!" the blonde at the desk yelps and get on her feet to follow him as if she'll manually stop him. "I'm calling security."

"I just need to talk to her," David says. "She's not responded to the urgent e-mail I sent her three days ago and this cannot wait. I'm done waiting."

"She's busy," the secretary insists but before she can stop him, David twists the door handle and strolls into the biggest office he's ever seen.

Behind a huge mahogany desk, sits a tall woman with her hair tightly pulled pack and glasses balancing on her nose. The papers spread over her desk indicates she's busy.

"Who's this?" she addresses her secretary.

"I've notified security, mam. This is one of the new scientists we hired last year but he does not have an appointment. David," the secretary hisses and stares terrified in the direction of her boss.

"David?" the CEO asks. "Wait, where you out with Ramon when you captured that angel?"

The colour drains from both David and the secretary's faces.

"Pamela, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but that's exactly what I've come to talk to you about..." David says, attempting to sound confident but failing miserably.

"Becky, you are excused. And call off security," Pamela says and indicates the chair opposite her desk. "I have a couple of spare minutes for man, who successfully captured an angel."

Becky looks thoroughly confused, especially at hearing the confirmation of angels again but she simply nods and closes the door when she exits.

David carefully moves forward and sits down in the big chair. He needs to play his cards right if he wants Penna to walk free. First stop is to get access to see her and gauge the boss' inclination towards potentially releasing the less dangerous creatures, if she's so inclined David is ready with his petition. If she is not, then he'll still have to break out Penna somehow.

He promised her that he would and though the word promise is usually something he's slung around rather casually, it felt different promising something with her in his arms. Just like he couldn't lie to her, he felt as if he couldn't possible break a promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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