East of Tulsa

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Prologue ~

"Maybe if I just jump, it'll all be over." I whispered as I took a step on the rail.

I decided to attempt my suicide on the East side of town on top of a brick building. The streets were vacant. My parents would never find me letting myself die on this side of town. My hands shook as I held onto the rails.

Looking at what was down sideways across the street was the DX gas station. They were about to close since it was 11 late at night. I knew about one of the hunks working there named Sodapop and the other guy, I'm guessing his name was Steve.

"Hey Steve, what do you thinking about me marrying Sandy?" asked Soda.

Steve pat his back and said, "Go for it, bud!"

Marriage huh? I thought to myself. I never imagined a grease would think about marriage.

"Enough thinking about this all.." I told myself as I shake my head. "Fuck this world.."

I looked down and finally released my hands from the rails and let myself go. It was until then I found out Dallas was smoking next to the building.

"Oh sh— Dally!" Soda shouted, running to me as fast as he could. "A GIRL!"

"Huh? Wha-" Dally dropped his cigarette and quickly caught me, falling to his knees.

Steve was surprised, stopping to catch his breath. "It's a soc.."

Soda sighed in relief and smiled.

I opened my eyes slowly and seen Dallas Winston holding me.

Dallas Winston saved me..

~~~~~~~~~~~~} end of prologue
Chapter 1 will come soon! pls star and comment! Thank you

The Outsiders: The Soc who Dally Saved (Dallas Winston/Sodapop Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now