is that what a nude is

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Cristina was sitting in one of the boys' dorms with her friends, playing Cards Against Humanity, when her phone's notification sound went off.  She jumped for her phone which was resting on the counter because it was charging, and immediately ripped it off when she saw Luke snapchatted her.

"Ooh, Cristina.  Who's Luke, your boyfriend?"

Cristina laughed loudly, mostly at the thought of herself having a boyfriend but also at the thought of dating this stranger.

She described what's been happening the over the past 24 hours and said how she wasn't sure if he was serious about the nudes or not.  Everyone immediately thought that was an invitation to get up all up in her business and see the snapchat with her.  

With slight hesitation, she tapped on Luke's name.  There was a picture, of Luke's body, his bare, beautiful chest.  She couldn't stop laughing.  Luke could have possibly sent her a nude, but he made sure to scribble the black marker over his lower half of his body.  He typed out a winking face and placed it over the lower half.  He made sure his face wasn't in the picture though, only making Cristina a bit more depressed than normal.

It was at that moment, Cristina knew, she loved this boy and she needed to find him.

She sent back a picture of her blushing face, because the boy sent her half a nude.  He kind of deserved to see her face.

'is that what a nude is? i've been doing it all wrong.'





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merry xmas! 

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