Cristina sat on her parent's front porch, excited when any car would pass by their house. Today was the day Cristina had been waiting for ever since she had gotten back to her home state. The day that four cute Australian boys would appear at her house, ready to meet her family and possibly become her new baby daddy, but that was a long shot.
Cristina's mother had found herself sitting on the front porch as well, but looking a bit more scandalous than her daughter. Their father didn't approve of any of their plans for the day, especially how similar they could be. Cristina had called up her grandmother to come over for the day, but that plan fell through.
Which only meant one thing, they were going on a road trip.
As soon as a black suburban looking vehicle pulled into their driveway, Cristina knew the moment had arrived. She quickly rolled from her previous position of sitting on the side rail, falling onto the hardwood porch floor. Cristina jumped back up, brushing off her jeans, running as fast as her legs would carry her towards her Calpal as he was the first one out of the vehicle.
The next was Ashton, which Cristina was excited about because she wanted him to squeeze her with his muscular drumming arms until she exploded.
Then Michael, which she was also excited about, mostly because she wanted to know what he smelled like.
Finally, the one everyone was excited to see, Luke Hemmings.
He stepped out of the car and everything turned into slow motion for Cristina. From him pulling off his sunglasses and brushing his hair out of his face, he was beautiful. It made Cristina smile from ear to ear, being able to see him in person again. She ran over and threw her arms around his neck, not afraid of potentially knocking him over like she did the others.
Luke let out a deep chuckle, wrapping one arm around her waist and giving her a squeeze while his other arm stabled them against the car. After making sure they weren't going to fall over, he used his other arm and lifted Cristina slightly off the ground. After releasing her, he lowered his head to her level. Luke placed his lips gently on Cristina's, shocking every single person around them.
Her parents were a bit taken back by the situation, and her mom was lowkey jealous that she wasn't in Cristina's position. Her father had to set aside his feelings that his little girl was growing up and had four hot guys visiting her at once. The neighbors walking by were just shocked that she could even get a guy that looked half as good as Luke in the first place. The boys all were looking at each other, rooting for Luke, but at the same time confused as how they got this far in their relationship, this fast, over just snapchat.
And Cristina.
She was the most shocked of them all.
Her eyes were wide and she just kind of stood there, unresponsive. She subconciously kissed him back, but she didn't fully understand what was happening or why.
They never really talked about potentially having these kinds of feelings towards each other, or if they'd act on them when they saw each other. Of course Luke knew that Cristina loved him, but she also loved all the boys and didn't expect to kiss any of them when they visited. Luke had admitted to loving Cristina in a way, but she just thought he was joking around or being a sarcastic asshole.
But here they were, kissing in her driveway, putting on a show for everyone.
By the time Luke had pulled away, Cristina was still completely in shock. She let out a shaky breath, looking at all the boys.
"I have to pee."
Luke sheepishly smiled at the ground while Michael and Ashton let out short laughs. Calum just kept his attention on getting the luggage out of the car.
Cristina motioned to the house, "You guys can put your stuff in the living room for now. We'll bring it over to my apartment later. I'll be right back."
Then she quickly ran into the house, leaving them alone with her parents to take care of the luggage and possibly discuss what just happened if they wanted to. Either way, she didn't want to be around when it happened.
It was going to be a long week.
omg i have so many plans for this and it's about to get crazy and i'm sorry in advance for any weird shit that i make these boys go through.
what crazy thing do you think is gonna happen? cause it's weird and funny

Send Nudes // l.r.h
Fanfictionyour boy just wants nudes [highest ranking: fanfiction #195] thank you @CharlesSara for the cover, I adore it so much! ❤