Sweet Tooth

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I threw the rag back in to the soapy bucket. Smiling at the clean counter, I was about to head to the front of the bakery to close up for the day when I heard the ding of the bell. A man, no older than mid twenties, walked in wearing a crisp, blue buttoned shirt with a pair of black slacks.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" I politely restate the same phrase I use to greet each customer.

"Surprised I'm still getting good service here since your sign says you close within the next few minutes," he chuckles.

I'm sensing somewhat of an accent. It's light, a bit husky, yet I can't put my finger on it.

"That would actually be now," I reply tilting my head towards the clock. "I guess today is your lucky day."

"I guess so. Where are my manners? If I'm going to keep you past your hours, i might as well introduce myself. Harrison Cowell." He extends a hand.

I shake it. Firm grip.

"Jamie Sullivan."

As if a light bulb light up above his head he says,"Jamie's Sweet Tooth, the name
of this bakery. I should have known. I didn't realize I was talking to the mastermind behind the treats." I laugh out loud at his comical remarks. "May I ask you one thing? Did you make all those little treats in the case yourself."

He points the endless rows of delicacy.

"Six AM every morning."


"I might have a had a little help," I add. "It's only fair if I ask you a question in return."

"Be my guest."

"I'm sensing an accent?"


"Australia, wow. What brings a an Australian to NYC."

"My career. I received a huge job offer I couldn't resist."

"Which is...?"

"Cosmetic dentistry."

"I guess it's my turn to be impressed with you," I chuckle.

"Thank you, I'm humbled. Now, about these treats... it looks like I'm going to have to grab a few for myself. I think I'll take," he pauses to glance through the case, "two white chocolate truffles and a slice of the traditional New York styled cheesecake."

I place each of his orders in the small soft yellow covered box.

"It's on the house," I say, handing it to him. "Welcome to New York."

"Thank you, and you know if that sweet tooth of yours ever gets to you, give me a call. Plus, I'd really like to see that smile again."

With that, he slides his business card on the counter and makes his way out of the bakery.



A week later, Harrison walks back into my bakery. Right when when Alice, a sixteen year old employee, lays eyes on him she mouths to me 'he's cute'. I chuckle, shove her to the back room and turn my attention back to the handsome man in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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