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Time skip to half a week.

Its been like 3 days since I have been going out with Grey. He has been so romantic. But we have only hung out at school. I also haven't talked to Alexa. I am starting to feel bad so I'm going to talk to her today. I'm scared of Grey coming along by how my friend acts around guys. I really love Grey but I'm selfish when it comes to him.

I walk around to find her but I see her with a slut just laughing. Almost like she forgot me. I turn around facing the opposite side of her, facing Grey. I try to move but Grey stops me. I look up at Grey's face but he was already looking at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Leaving. She already forgot about me." I say looking down, I don't want him to see me giving up.

"No one can forget such a great person as you." He says. I'm eternally great full for such a great guy. He had a tie on today in his outfit. I smirked. I pull his tie and his face pulls down to mine, turning to a kiss. I let go and walked away. Half way to my friend I face Grey and see him blushing. So cute. I look away from the distraction. I get my serious face and start walking again. I face Alexa. She waves at her friend and her friend walks away. She looks at me and starts to tear. She hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong but-" she says. But she sounded distracted. I saw her stare at something so I followed her gaze. She was staring at Grey.

"Dude, cute guy alert!" she yells. Attempting to catch his attention.

"But what?" I ask. I grab her face to face me not Grey.

"You didn't talk to me in a week and a half. That's the longest you haven't talked to me. I didn't do anything bad but still" she complains.

"You made out with him didn't you?" I say smartly. She rolled her eyes. Which means she did.

"You are only sensitive about that is because you can't get a boyfriend!" she says. That was the last straw. I was pissed. She looked away and was staring back at Grey. I walk away from her. I fast walked to Grey. He stared my way and smiled at me. I feel Alexa's gaze burning my back. When I reach Grey I put my arms around his neck, I went on my tippy toes and frenched him. But he continued stronger than me. I wrapped my arms around his neck tighter then let go. I stopped the kiss and faced Alexa. She stared at me with 3 different expressions: shocked, jealous and mad.

"HE IS MY BOYFRIEND!" I yell to Alexa. I was glad I did that. I think I lost a friend but because of that I got an even better thing. A boyfriend. I grabbed Grey's hand and fasted walked away. I didn't want to see Alexa's expression. But I turned to see Grey's expression and I see a smile going left to right eye. He looks adorable.

I check the wall clock to see that we only have half of lunch. I haven't eaten lunch by finding Alexa. I hear my stomach growling. I'm pretty sure Grey heard that.

"Want to eat something. I'm pretty hungry too." He asks.

"Yeah, lets go to the cafeteria." I say. I start to walk slower and I start to see Grey catching up to me. He is walking besides me now instead of behind me. We arrive at the cafeteria. No line. I grab Doritos, a brownie, pizza, and a Snapple. I look again at what I'm getting and look at Grey's.

He just got a pizza slice and a Snapple. I put the rest of my food away and just get a pizza slice and Snapple. I don't want him to think I'm a fat as*. I type on my number and walk away. I turn around and Grey is still in line. I wait there a minute longer. He walks out with the food I left there. I stare at him.

"Here you go." He says giving me the food I left. I push them back to them.

"I didn't get them for a reason."

"I know the reason. I think its cute when you eat. I like you just the way you are." He says softly. He smiles. He pushes the food back to me. I grab them and grab his hand.

"Thank you so much." I smile. We start walking toward the football field. The field was being used by the football players so we just go to the top of the bleachers. I set my food down and sit. I see Grey facing the rails.

"Want to see the rails. There is a pretty view of the school and mountains." I ask. He faces me and his faced glowed up like a child. He nodded. I stand and he stands while running up the stairs before the rails. He looks around with a small smile. I get up the railings, right next to him. I just stare at his face with a smile just thinking, how did me, my ugly self get such a kind hearted, attractive boyfriend. I chuckled. Grey looked toward me.

"Isn't this view gorgeous!" he says.

"Yeah almost as gorgeous as you." I say without thinking. I immediate close mymouth with my two hands. He moved his gaze to me. He smiled and chuckled a bit.He walked to me and grabbed my two wrists and moved it away from my mouth. Hisgaze at my eyes but I was so embarrassed of what I said, I looked down. But withhis finger he pulled my chin upward to face him. He leaned in for a kiss.    

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