The Escape

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POV: (Y/N)

I heard the doctors talking in the other room. Thinking fast I knew I would escape. Checking my left and right I began to the burn the straps. My powers were weak but I needed to act fast. Slowly limping down I tore the tubes off me. I groaned in pain but covered my mouth. I ran to hide behind something. The door flung open. "Where she go?!" "Send a search out and be on guard!!" I peeked seeing guards fill the room. One guard turns around seeing me. He yells telling the others. Crowds of guards come at me. I begin panicking. I put my hands out sending the guards flying to the wall. Making a run for it, I exit fast. I launch myself in some bushes. I lay on the back of a tree. My eyes slowly shut due to the power I used. I looked up seeing guards run by. Then I pass out.

POV: Jean

"Now what the hell is going on?" Wolverine says. I place my fingers on my head trying to find the promblem. "An outbreak. A teen escape from that building." I say pointing the warehouse. "The teen is...." I stop and turn to the team. "A mutant." The team stares at me for awhile turn stops. "Well then let's go find her!" Kitty says. We all nod and search. I check near forest and try locate her. I dug in some bushes and find her. "Found her!!" I call out. I turn around seeing guards coming near. I jump in the bush. I raise my hand making some of guards rise up. I slam them on the others. I quickly pick the teen up and run off. I wave to the team. Nightcrawler teleports by me taking the teen and teleporting in the X wing. "Get ready there are more!" Turning around guards charges at us. I make the guards slam into each other. Logan slashes them as for Scott he blasts them. Kitty sneaks behind them and Knocks them out. Soon we finish but I spot a man in a lab coat. "Well well..! You did great I must say... But listen here we will find you and take her back! So watch your back.." The man goes back walking away. Scott puts his hand on shoulder telling we need to leave. We hop in and drive off. I turn to the girl and smile. 'Everything is going to be fine.'

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