A new Place

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POV: (Y/N)

I shot up. My breathing was fast. Looking back I know that I not at the bush or the warehouse. I look down seeing I'm in a bed but not strapped down. I take off the little things on me. I bite my lip from crying. Looking again I jump out. I stay low to the ground. Hearing voices come close I spot a gun and aim it at the door. The door slowly opens and I get up and aim the gun toward them. "Shoot...." "Shut up!! Tell me where I am or I shoot!" A red hair girl comes close to me. "I'm Jean.. This is the..." "Jean you can't trust this kid!" "I'll handle this." A large man comes out of the door. "Back away I will shoot!!!" The man keeps coming and I shoot his arm. He stops and puts his hand in the wound. Then he goes back to walking. I shoot him in the head and he falls to his knees. I jump over him and run past the others. I sprint till a blue monkey grabs me. "HEY!!" "Sorry miss!" We teleport back to the room. Everyone stared at me. The large man growled at me. I hid the gun in my pocket. "Now tell us your name.." I gulp. "(Y/N).... (Y/N) (L/N)." The large man eyes widen. He stares at me, worried. "Where Charles?" "I'll go get him!" I look around. Almost everyone but one. "Name's Logan." He says looking toward me. I nod. Then the door opens showing a bald man in a wheelchair. "Hello miss (Y/N)." The man says. I get up as the man lets his hand out. I stare at it but then he laughs. "What?!" "Do you ever shake people hands." "No..." "Well anyway I'm Charles." I nod my head and sit on the bed. "Now (Y/N) me and Logan are going to go in your mind.." "WAIT?! WHAT?!!" I yell. But then Charles puts his hand on my head and second I black out.

POV: 3rd person

Logan and Charles began walking by doors. One caught Logan's eyes. "There." Logan says. Charles nods and they walk in the door. (Flashback)
The man broke the window and jump through it. He came to the front door and opened letting soldiers file in. Some soldiers came to the parents room. They aim there guns at them as the rest gather in (Y/N) room. (Y/N) opened her eyes and stared in horror at the guards. "What?! Get out?!" She yells. The guards try to pin her down soon she blew them to the walls. Fire gather by her. Water spilled onto the floor. The ground rumbled. Wind blew faster. Guards were on the wall on the floor. (Y/N) look at the things she did. She screams, trying to get help. But one man comes and takes a syringe. The liquid was a green color and it was put into the girl. She stopped screaming but she was passed out. One guard picked her up and ran out. A helicopter landed and the guard jumped in. The other guards decide to let the parents live. Cars and helicopters were in front of the house. After 23 Minutes they were gone with (Y/N). (End of flashback.)
Logan stared in horror. Charles said "We have seen more than we needed to." Logan nods as they were back to the real world. (Y/N) crossed her arms. "NOT COOL!" Logan held in a laugh. " (Y/N) we must talk about this.." (Y/N) jumped off the bed and stormed off. Charles sighs. "We have a long way to go.."  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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