when i was 7

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When I was 7... the first day of school wasn't so bad.

I remember that day. My older cousins always talked about it. They complained during family dinners about how their first day at school was scary.

I remember them telling me that on first days, you would be assigned seats you won't want, teachers are evil, and classmates aren't friendly.

I remember, though, that my first day wasn't that bad as they said it would be.

Maybe because you were there to share it with me.

I remember you unintentionally grabbing onto my hand in excitement as our parents watched us walk into primary school. I tensed up in shock for quite the longest time. That, itself was a first for me, too.

"That's my mum's friend!"

I remembered you shouting and pulling me along the corridors of the classrooms towards a scary looking lady.

"Hi Mdm Jung!"

"Oh hello, dear! How's your mother doing? Your first day at school alright so far?"

"Great and great! This is my friend! Mum probably told you before. She's been my friend since childcare days!"

Coincidentally, Mdm Jung was our form teacher, and she had ever so kindly let us sit next to each other. She was stern, when she needed to be. Otherwise, she was actually a really nice person.

I remember that ever since then, we would always stick by each other. Sometimes, even getting teased by other kids for hanging around someone who was not the same gender.

But you would always say, "she's still a great friend to me so it's okay!" and smile so wide as if nothing could ever bother you as long as you were with me.

The young boy you were back then also liked to play Knight In Shining Armour each time you had the chance to. Even the littlest things, like puddles, or a crack on the sidewalk, you would protect me from it. Even a passing cat that does no harm could make you shout, "Beware Princess! A cat!"

And a protective hand would reach out across me and for me to hold onto every time.

when I was yours - kim taehyung Where stories live. Discover now