when i was 10

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When I was 10... even museum field trips could be exciting.

I remember when we received our parent consent forms for our first primary school field trip. It was to a historical museum.

You would call my home phone two days before, the night before, and run to me first thing in the morning at school, asking me what I had packed for lunch to eat on the bus.

You were always so happy. Always so easily excited. When you saw a statue, you would imitate it and try your best to stay frozen in that position without bursting out in laughter.

And when you read new information that you never knew before, you would gasp unknowingly loud and and grab your hair. And then you would clap to yourself, as if praising for the new knowledge absorbed.

I also remember when we went to a local art museum once. You said something I would never ever forget till this day. And I don't even think you meant it that way.

"I think I belong here. I love looking at art. You belong here, too! Since you're local art. We must always stick together. Quick! They're moving on to the next gallery!"

Till this day when I remember those words, I would smile to myself. Who would've thought that those words had spilled out of a 10 year old's mouth, even by accident?

I remember what I loved most about school field trips. It was the bus rides from and back to school.

You would always hype up the entire bus by singing songs and performing them in an entirely original rendition you came up with. Trot songs were even possible for you to pull off.

With that voice, I had always wondered back then, how much more dreamy it would sound after you broke your voice?

Even the seniors and juniors on the bus would join in on the sing along.

And I would always watch from my seat in admiration of how much joy you always bring to the people around you.

when I was yours - kim taehyung Where stories live. Discover now