Chapter 14

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Donghae watched as the doctor sewed up the wound on Darie's shoulder after cleaning it. She didn't even flinched and just stared blankly at some spot. The anesthesia may be strong but he had expected a little reaction apart from looking stoned. Even when the doctor was cleansing the wound, she didn't bat an eyelash and he knew it hurts just by looking at the ugly gash. He had been watching her wondering what she was thinking or why she was looking like this was nothing.

When he and Chanyeol got back at the bunkhouse earlier that night, Darie was nowhere in sight. Mrs. Sun Woo had told him she had just gone out for a walk. He had been looking outside for minutes, not wanting to admit he was looking for her at the beach, until the caretaker suddenly appeared with a young boy by his side and told him that the boy saw Darie going into the other side of the beach where the caretaker had warned her of. Sudden panic gripped him as the caretaker told him what is in that part of the place and his mind envisioned Darie's laughing face and an image of her striding alone in an unkwown area.

Seeing how the caretaker had gathered people to go with them with their bats or weapons made the panic more palpable. He told his teacher and the freshmen to stay where they are. Chanyeol wanted to come but Donghae put his foot down. If this grown men thinks it's dangerous, then he wouldn't let a sophomore be involved in this alarming situation when Donghae himself doesn't even know the extent of danger this bad group emits.

He was assured when two town cops had gone with them and seeing the dark shack that was only illuminated by the moonlight, he knew the caretaker is not exaggerating. When he saw her by the window standing still but safe, he felt like he could breathe again.

He wanted to shake her and pull her into a hug at the same time.

Mrs. Sun Woo had fetched a doctor after seeing her student being carried inside the bunkhouse with blood on her shirt but maintained a calm demeanor. Luckily, the caretaker knew a doctor who lives a couple of miles from the beach and the doctor immediately went to attend his patient as soon as he stepped inside the bunkhouse.

He sighed inaudibly as he watched the doctor covered the wound with a bandage. He doesn't know what's suddenly happening to him or why the thought of Darie getting hurt concerns him so much.

Well, he is the school president and naturally, he would feel responsible for the welfare of the student body. Yes, that was probably it.

The doctor turned to the teacher who nodded at her instructions.

"And I've given her a painkiller that's going to probably knock her out," the doctor was saying with a smile. "So, somebody should get her out of those bloodied clothes so she can sleep comfortably."

The teacher chuckled before thanking the good doctor as he bids his goodbye. Donghae had been watching Darie in all this exchange not knowing what to think about her impassive expression that he had never seen in all this time he had known her. He didn't know what changed. She was fine when he was carrying her back to the bunkhouse. Of course, fine like... her jovial self. She even called him an ass. But when he laid her on one of the tables, she suddenly became this. He pursed his lips before asking her quietly, "Are you okay?"

She seemed to hear him as her eyes went up to his face and Donghae realized he would rather see Darie getting crazy and unpredictable or amusing herself at his expense if it meant the sparkling mischief that was twinkling in her eyes everytime she talks to him won't ever disappear.

"Alright. Out."

Donghae turned to find Mrs. Sun Woo holding the door for him.

"W-why?" Donghae started to protest. Then he straightened up to his full height. "I am a responsible president Mrs. Sun Woo. It is my job to make sure every students in my supervision is safe. I'll stay here."

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