The note.

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This is based off of what Eve said in 'The tears of a clown'. This idea would NOT leave me alone, so I have to write it down. And for the record, I wrote this during Bio cause all the teacher does in that class is talk, so thats probably going to be where I come up with most of these ideas. Hope you enjoy, and please vote/ comment!

A week after the second time Flynn left, Eve found a folded piece of paper on their shared desk with her name on it. Being the curious soul she is, she opened it.

Do you like me? Check yes or no.
◻️Yes ◻️No
Eve smiled. Only Flynn would do something as classic as this to ask her affection. She found a pen on the desk and carefully marked her answer, and then went to find Flynn. Instead she found Jenkins. "Hey have you seen Flynn?" She asked.

"I think I just seen him sprinting to the bookshelf's." Jenkins said pointing the way Flynn went.

"Thanks!" Eve said as she then sprinted the way Flynn went. She found him going through the books in the back. "I think you left  something on my desk." She joked.

Flynn looked up nervously. "What did I leave?"

Eve smirked. "This." She held up the note.

"Oh ya that." He laughed nervously.

"Want to know what it says?"

"Not really but I bet your going to tell me anyway"

She looked at him in the eyes. "It says 'Considering I already kissed you once, you would think I liked you, so therefore why write this note, or maybe you should have just asked my yourself."

"So you do like me?" He asked hopefully, standing up.

"I never said that." Eve said as Flynn came closer, until he was less than a inch away from her.

"Oh, but I think you did."  His lips collided with hers in a sweet but passionate kiss. "Do you still you deny that you like me?" He asked when they finally pulled apart.

"I don't know Librarian. Might want to try that again to find out."

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