Chapter 1: Blind Betrayal - Part 1

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"Is there anything you wish to tell me, Knight?" Maxson stared at Nate with accusation in his eyes.
"Not at all, I have nothing to hide." He replied sounding confused through the muffle of his power armour.
"I find that very hard to believe. Proctor Quinlan completed the decryption of the data you gathered from the institute and his findings included a list of synths that went missing or escaped their underground facility. After careful analysis of the information, we've discovered something, unprecedented. Paladin Danse is a perfect match for a synth on that list."
Nate was taken back by this. "That's impossible." He cried, praying the news was false.
"I'm afraid not. The evidence is quite damning. The data you brought back contained a record for each subjects' DNA, we keep the same information on file for each of our soldiers. Paladin Danse' DNA is a perfect match for a synth they call M7-97. To make matters worse, he's gone awol - disappeared without a trace." He turned to face out of the window for a moment before turning back to face Nate. "His sudden absence reinforces our conclusion that M7-97 and Paladin Danse are one and the same. I'm finding it difficult to believe he never confided in you and then swore you to secrecy."
"You have to believe me," Nate pleaded, "He never told me he was a synth."
"Hmm. Apparently I've misjudged you. Which means I've decided to take you at your word. However that doesn't absolve you of your duty. Danse is a synth. He represents everything we hate - a monstrosity of technology. Our mission in the commonwealth is clear - the institute and its technologies need to be destroyed in order to secure our future. Which leaves me facing the most difficult order I've ever given. I'm ordering you to hunt down Danse and execute him."
Mate looked his elder straight in the eyes and said "I won't do it. Danse deserves a chance to explain himself."
The Elder became infuriated and threw his hands in the air with disgust. "You will do it. This is not up for judgement or debate! I'm giving you a direct order, Knight, and I'm expecting you to follow it without question. Listen, I'm not blind to the fact that Danse was your mentor, and this isn't an easy burden to bare, but if we're to remain strong, we can't afford to make exceptions. Even when it means executing one of our own. Find Proctor Quinlan, He's been analysing the data and should be able to find you a starting point. And knight, there's a promotion riding on the results of these orders, so don't disappoint me. You're dismissed."
Maxson turned to the window again and stared out over the vast wasteland from his fortress in the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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