°Late Birthday Gift°

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"Chie!" The bluenette heard her mother call. She stopped her practice on her new guitar from her birthday and looked towards the door, focusing on her mother's call. "You've got a present!"

Present? Wasn't my birthday a few days ago? Chie thought. Neatherless, though, she shook her head and smiled.
"Coming!" The girl replied. She gently placed her guitar on her bed and hopped off, slipping on her loafers and heading out the room.

She walked down the stairs and halfway down, she saw her mother holding a cute box with stars and bubbles, a turquoise bow tieing it all up. Excited to see what was in the box, Chie wasted no time and hopped on the rail, sliding down the stairs and hopping over the wooden rails, landing on her feet.

"Hey mom. A box came in for me?" The girl asked cheekily. "Yeah. Here ya go, my little sunshine." Her mother ruffled the girls hair, making Chie blush a bit as she took the package. "Its from your grandmother, so cherish it." "Thanks mom. Bye!" Chie immediately zoomed upstairs and into her room, slamming the door shut.

"Okay, so what's inside you?" Chie wondered aloud as she gently and delicately opened up the box, ribbons first. She flipped the sides of the cardboard box and revealed the middle to see....

"A watch?" Chie held the watch in her hands and examined it. It was a turquoise pocketwatch with diamond symbols incrusted all around the rims. It looked pretty fancy, much to Chie's liking. "Nice." Chie smiled at the watch before putting her hand back into the box and pulling out a note. It was from her grandmother.


Dear my darling little Chie,

I hope you enjoy the gift. Your grandfather told me to give it to you during your birthday, but I was late and the trains were down. I hope you can forgive me and accept your beautiful gift as an apology. If you look deeper down, you'll find a pink capsule. It contains one of my friends when I was your age, so I hope the two of you have fun together! And don't worry about anything else, I promise that she'll protect you with everything she's got.

Happy late birthday.
Love, Grandma~


"Friend.....?" Chie couldn't comprehend her grandmothers words. But she didn't really mind it, and instead pulled the box closer and looked inside to see a small pink ball. Curious, she picked it up and held it in her hands. Without wasting any time, Chie placed her other hand ontop of the ball and twisted it. No luck. She released her hands from the ball and looked at her red palms.

Geez, Grandma. Could you have at least given me a warning that it was tightly sealed? Chie thought as she blew her hands.

She tried another attempt, same results. Another, the same thing. Once more, nothung changed.

Chie groaned in annoyance as she gently patted her hands on her lap in an attempt to cool them down. She sighed before picking the ball up once again and trying one last time to pop it open. She grunted in efforts, trying to twist the top and loosen it until finally- It opened.

As soon as it cracked, a blast of energy shot through and sent Chie back. Thanfully, she was on her bed and was only scooted back some. The girl looked as the ball fell to the ground and opened itself. The enrgy grew more until the lid to the ball popped itself off and a blue energy erupted. All Chie could do was look in shock as the energy swirled into a vortex. It kept going like that for a few moments, making it seen as if the energy was a ribbon.
And then finally, It died down and took form, which surprised Chie at the sight.

"Hello dear. You must be Makoto's granddaughter." A soft voice came. An image of a beautiful lady with big soulful eyes and a white robe wrapped around her, ending at her whispy tail reflected off of Chie's turquoise eyes.

"My name is Enraenra. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

[Enraenra data]

Tribe: Fushigi-zoku
Rank: A
Attribute: Wind
Role: Attacker

Chie didn't know what to say. Her mind was in a mixture of awe, shock, and fear. She had no idea what to say until the first phrase tumbled off her tounge. "Your my grandmothers childhood friend?"

Enraenra nodded. "Hai. I remember when I was a small Koenra. Oh, Chisa was such a sweetheart! She always treated me as if I was Yukiko.~" The yokai smiled as she blushed at the memories. "Oh, the memories....." She sighed.

For some reason, Chie lessened up up a bit. She tensed down as her heart felt warm. She felt that she could trust Enraenra. "Oh. Well..... Could you explain to me Why you were in that capsule?" the bluenette asked, referring to the caps on her floor belonging to the pink ball. "Oh yes, that. Well, Chisa accidentally got me stuck in another capsule while rushing to the train station. Thankfully, It was pretty comfortable in there so I didn't really mind." Enraenra answered. "And don't worry, I already knew about her moving me into your residance. I wasn't very sad, really. I was mostly happy to see such a lovely young lady such as you!" Enraenra hugged Chie, which made the girl smile a bit.

"Okay. Another question: What are you?" Then Chie's sense hit her in the head. In an instant, she began to frantically take her words back. "Wait- WAIT! I'm sorry if that sounded rude! I just want you to clarify....." The girl darted her eyes to the side and played with her fingers in anticipation, waiting for a reply.

Enraenra only blinked twice. She then grinned. "Oh, I didn't find it offensive at all! In fact, I find it quite cute that your curious about my being." She giggled. "You remind me so much of your grandmother; so full of hope and curiosity." She gushed, making Chie smile at the thought of her grandmother talking to her preevolution as if they were friends. "Now then, to answer your question: I am a yokai!"


"Yup! We are spiritual beings that roam the earth, having fun and doing whatever! Some are bad, while others are good! It all depends on who or what you were made into." Enraenra clarified while Chie took mental notes. "Oh... Okay." The human said. "Do you like the watch me and Chisa brought? I decorated it myself, if you don't mind."
"Oh yeah...." Chie dig into her pocket and pulled out the same watch from earlier. "It's a yokai watch, Pocketype 0. Your grandfather and grandmother made it together for you. They ment to give it when you turned 16, but decided to hold it off and wait until 12." The bluenette examined the watch once more as Enraenra went on. "That watch is different from regular watches you find at your average stores. It allows you to see the ilusive yokai. Like me!"

Even though Chie nodded in understanding, she didn't really understand anything.

"I know that this is probably a lot of weight dropped to your shoulders, but I hope you can truly forgive me. Your life has changed and your path has been made; you are to accept the fact that you are apart of the world of yokai." Enraenra apologized with a bow as Chie simply stared at her new accessory.

"The rest of your life won't be the same again."

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