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Episode 02: Sailornyan?

The next day, Chie woke up to the delightful aroma of what smelled to be pancakes with sausage, eggs, and other delightful scents. The girl immediately shot up and hopped out of her bed, rushing out of her room and downstairs.

"Mom, whatcha cooking!?" The girl asked as she stood at the entrance to the kitchen, a look desprate for food across her face. It then disappeared and turned to a confused look as she saw a pale face with turquioise smoke-like hair turn to her. "Mornin' sunshine." Chie immediately recognized the beautiful yokai as the one who she released from the capsule the other day.

Instead of freaking out, she replied back casually. "Morning, Enraenra." Chie greeted calmly. "You cook?" Enraenra only giggled in response. "Yup! Me and Chisa absolutely adored cooking sweets and other things for your grandfather." She replied. "Take your seat please, if you don't mind." Chie got used to Enraenra quickly; and that's saying something since the human isn't the kind to be social.

Minutes later, and the oven timer rung. Enraenra immediately rushed over, several plates already in hand. She floated over to Chie and placed the plates down infront of her before floating back to the oven and taking out a a fresh batch of cookies. "Are those for me and my sister?"
"Sister? You have a sister???" Enaraenra asked. "Yeah. Didn't grandma tell you?" Enraenra then facepalmed herself and pinched the crook of her nose. "How could I have forget? You mean Origami, right?"

"Yeah. As a matter of fact, she should be here about-"
"Onee-Chan!" A squeaky and childish voice called from upstairs.
"Right now."

"Oh!" Enraenra panicked. "Now I have to go faster!" She began to push her cooking speed, going as fast as she could as the voice of Origami got closer. Chie decided to help and flipped pancakes. Soon within seconds, another full breakfast meal for Chie's little sister was ready.

"Onee-chan!" A small indigo-haired girl with matching eyes and glasses walked into the kitchen. She wore pink pajamas with matching bunny slippers. "Momma said get ready for the-" the girl was cut off by the smell of her meal ready. Chie turned around to Origami, a spatula in hand, unknowingly giving her sister the impression that she made the breakfast herself. Origami simply stated for a few blank seconds before her eyes glistened and mouth watered.

"Breakfast!" The girl ran over to the table and took her seat. "Did you make this yourself, Onee-chan!?" She asked her older sister. Chie shook her head. "No, not entirely. I had some help from a friend." she geastured to her right. Origami squinted her eyes to Chie's side only to see nothing but the countertop with multiple cooking tools. "I don't see them...."
"Really? She's right here-" Chie cutherself off when she was met with nothing to her right. "Huh? Enraenra?"

"Enraenra? You mean the smoke lady told in folklore?" Origami was the studious type, usually researching things until she were to come upon intresting information. Chie nodded. "Yeah. That's her." She answered. "But She isn't here...."

"It's okay, she'll show up again eventually. Legends say that she only appears to those with a pure heart." Origami assured her older sister while Chie simply sighed. She placed the cooking tools in the sink and walked to the table to take her seat. "And you, Onee-chan," Origami smiled to Chie. "Most definetly have a pure heart."
Chie smiled. "Arigatou." she said before her and her sister bowed their heads and said their grace.


The two began eating. Minutes later and Chie brought up, "What did mom want me to get ready for?" she asked. Origami hummed before swallowing the rest of her pancake. She cleared her throat and said, "Oh yeah! Momma said get dressed."

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