Part 4

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The next morning I woke up with pain running through my calf muscles as I groaned flopping around on the bed like a fish. As you could probably tell my cardio was not to par and I was definitely not a morning person. Nick on the other hand was a hyper beast and such an early bird that he managed to barge into my room, open the curtains letting the stream of bright morning light glare above me as I shielded myself from the rays of light, covering myself in a pile of blankets.

"Go away!" I groaned feeling my blankets getting tugged off of me as I slouched over rolling around.

"Wakey Wakey Andie Candie, I made breakfast!"  Nick tried dragging the layers of blankets off of me.

I was not budging and told him so through the blankets that came out as in incoherent mumbles that could not be heard.

"Wake up, I am done playing nice, and you know that I will get a bucket of ice-cold water and pour it on top of you." I heard his footsteps running around as I groaned flipping over still blocking my eyes with the blankets.

"You dare!" I screamed sitting up.

"Nope" right above her Nick was already ready with a bucket in hand ready to pour it any second.

"Ugh, I hate you" I tossed the covers aside and getting dossed with cold water from above.

"What the heck I am up!" I gave out a large outburst cry.

"Sorry, your head kind of hit the bucket" Nick guilty smiled putting the bucket down and running out returning with a towel. 

"When I get out of the shower breakfast better be made" I yelled making my way into the bathroom. After my bath, I walked down the stairs melling a nice aroma of breakfast food's wafting into my nostrils as I entered the kitchen.

"Ah, now that's the good stuff" I looked over at the heaping pile of eggs, pancakes and other delights Nick had time to whip up.

"Your welcome"  Nick sipped a cup of coffee covered with whipping cream and pink sprinkles on top.

"You are going to school right?" Nick stared at my outfit giving me eye signals telling me to change.

"Do you think I am, I meaning look at me" I pointed to myself and stuffed a pancake in my mouth making maple syrup drip down the sides of my lips.

"Yup you look gorgeous, messy bun hair, sweats, and a college sweater looks like a day of success to me" Nick laughed at himself for being funny while I rolled my eyes

"Well you are in luck girl, you get the day to yourself because I got to get my prize possessions into my closet" Nick grabbed the keys and turned towards the door.

"Yeah make sure you don't get lost in there and find Narnia." I finished up breakfast and sat there for a second not even knowing what to do today.

Most of all even after the weird encounter I really wanted to see Jade again. Not interact with her but just watch her. I ran out the door pressing my hand's against his car glad that he hadn't left yet.

He stared at me rolling down the windows, "What in the world girl!"

"Wait for me I will be right back out" I sprinted back inside getting changed into an outfit I found acceptable before running back downstairs with my empty backpack in hand.

"So what made you change your mind?" He started driving towards school. I shrugged but that only made it more obvious as he gasped getting one of his lightbulb moments.

"You are hopelessly in love and better pay me back for all the gas money." He chatted my ear off talking about Jade make assumptions about her even though he hadn't seen her yet. I would have been jealous of the way he talked about her if he wasn't one thousand percent gay.

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