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We found a small clearing in the woods, there were many tree's to hide us. There was a log and what seemed to be what had been previously a campfire that someone had started before, on the middle of the clearing. It was clear that someone had sat in these logs and started a campfire before so I had a small feeling of safety. It was dark and August decided to collect brances and twigs for fire. "Don't go out of my sight. Augustina, don't go too far." I told her before she went skipping to collect branches and twigs. I was mentally and physically exhausted from the running and the fighting. I couldn't stop recalling the memory of me, nearly killing someone. I had burnt her and the smell of it couldn't leave my mind. Her pleading eyes would forever etch on my mind, she didn't scream out in pain but I could see it in her eyes, she was begging me to stop. I still couldn't comprehend what had recently happened, it was slowly sinking onto my brain and I felt sick at what I had done. I snapped out of my state to look for August. All of a sudden, I couldn't see August any more. I shouted her name many times until I heard a reply somewhere. It was a quiet and light reply but I could still locate where she was. So I followed her voice and saw she was in a field of flowers. To be more exact, it was a field of bluebells. They were my favourite flowers and I stood there, adoring the blue field. It was a small little patch of field, a little ocean of bluebells. The tree's surrounded the field, nearly hiding it away. The bluebells gave me a feelin of serenity as I stood there, gazing at the blue field. It was dark but I could still see the field clearly. The vibrant blue managed to calm me down, giving me a little break from the madness. There were two tree stumps that we decided to sit on so that we could gaze at the field. I walked around the field so that we didn't damage any of these magnificent flowers. I sat crossed leg on the tree stump and picked a bluebell up. I stared at in amazement, getting lost in my own thought. Our bag still hung on to our backs as we needed to be prepared at all times.

Silence. Sometimes I loved it but sometimes I feared it. At this moment, I currently chose to love the silence.

"Who were those people?" August finally broke the silence after what seemed like hours when in reality we sat there in silence for 10 minutes.

"I truly don't know August. I just know that they are very bad and wanted to take us for some reason." My eyes hardened at the thought of someone taking August away from me.

"Do you think they were also the one's who took them?" She looked at me, her eyes had a look of sadness and pain.

"Who August?" I was confused by her question. Who exactly was she refering to?

"You know Anthora. Were they the one who took them. Took mum and dad. Took them away from us." Her eyes then turned into a fiery red of anger. Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. I stood up and she shifted to make space for me as we sat down together. I wrapped my arm around her, to try to give her warmth from the cold.

"Maybe they were August." I whispered to her. The painful memories starting to come back. The pleading screams and bright angry flames starting to come back to me. Engulfing and pulverising anything on it's path, not caring if it would have a massive consequences.

"Why do they want us Thora? What could we possibly have that they want to take?" Her anger was slowly rolling off and she was calming down. I was about to reply the truth when we suddenly hear a twig snap. I whipped my head at where the sound came from and there was nobody there. They found us again and this time I had a feeling that we couldn't escape this time. I knew that it wouldn't be long before they found us. It was just inevitable but I had a little hope, hanging on deep inside my heart. As soon as I heard the snap, the hope just had diminished, dissapearing in an instant. I just didn't expect it to be this short, I thought they would have taken longer. I sprung up on my feet and got our bags from the ground. We were about to run but I just had a feeling that this may be the last time I see Augustina again.

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