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Aconitum. Aconitum. Aconitum. 'Find her and trust her'

Her name was Aconitum. Her name rung a bell and I tried hard to remember where it came from when suddenly I remembered the soft gentle voice. 'Find Aconitum. Find her and trust her.' She was Aconitum.

I stared at her, shock clearly written all over  my face. My eyes had widened slightly and I didn't exactly know how to react. Who was she really? My thoughts were like a tangled wire, trying to unravel themselves but I just needed time to think about it. I needed to think. I needed to think about what was truly going on.

"Could you show me where I could clean myself up?" She finally broke our stare of revelation. I snapped out of my own shock and cleared my throat.

"Of course. Follow me. You can stay in the spare bedroom that has a bathroom, where you can clean up." I started to lead her to the room but I barely noticed that my legs were moving. As we walked down the halls, everything was a blur as I was pondering too much on my questions. I didn't even realise we were standing in front of the door. I blinked a couple of time to focus again and I opened the door. We both entered the room and I pointed to where the bathroom was.

"Your bag is at the end of your bed and I assume that your clothes are there." She simply just nodded her head and I continued speaking.

"So if you need me just call my name. I'll just leave you to it." I walked out the door and left her to clean up. I headed to my office to think what happened so far and how all this began.

When I found her in the woods, there was a distinctive feeling that  something about her was so special. Something peculiar but special.

We smelt two scents in our border. We ran towards it and there we found two females. A young child and a young adult. We decided to see if they were a threat so we hid behind the tree's. We heard their conversation but even it was a litle emotional, we still had to be cautious. They could be acting for all we knew. All of a sudden a twig snapped, disturbing the bittersweet silence. I winced and gave out a deep sigh as I knew our youngest warrior had made that mistake. Everyone gave him a quick glare as he swore under his breath. We all looked to where the two female were standing to see that they were on high alert. They saw one of our shadows move closer towards them. They spared no second as they stood up and started to run off.

They run fast but not as fast as us. It was a matter of time before they start to slow down and get tired. However, to my surprise they kept on going and there were no sign of slowing down. Even the young female could keep up with the older female. They held hands as they ran, harshly swerving left and right.

We had them surrounded and we walked closer to them. I was walking forward to reveal their identity but the older female just growled at me. I looked at the yound child and saw fear in her eyes. I looked back to the older female and saw that there was a slight glow to her. Her whole body was legitimately glowing but as I got closer she started to glow brighter, especially both of her hands. It was a slight purple/lilac glow. I mind linked my brother to get the young child away from her, we didn't know if the young child was at risk so we had to move her away from the older female for the young child's safety. What I didn't expect is the older female to grab his hand. We heard whimpering from my brother and I smelt the fimiliar odore of skin being burnt. I immedietly ran to the older female and dragged her away from my brother, careful not the touch her skin as she could burn me. Once she was a couple of feet away from them she turned around to face me. I looked towards my brother to see that the young child was holding the burnt arm and inspecting it. I then turned my attention to the older female in front of me and I barely had time to take a glance at her as she surprised me again as she tried to punch me. I ducked istantly, good thing I have fast reflexes but she kept on repeating her actions and I was getting tired of trying not to get hit by a person I can tell had no experience in fighting. Rather than wasting my energy,  I grabbed her arm to stop her from trying to harm herself. I was expecting a burning pain but it never came.

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