Chapter One

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           Magi and Cedes have always grown up knowing they were wizards, Annie and Courtney were never told about their family heritage, and Emma and Meg were muggle-borns. As fate would have it, these six met at King's Cross station, for the same purpose, to catch a ride on the Hogwarts Express. "Oh my gosh! You're wizards, right? Don't worry, I am too. Uhhh, I just have one question."Emma Rudwig gasped as she ran across platform nine, her friend Meg trailing behind. "Yeah, what do ya need?"asked Magi, as she tried to fit her toad into its terrarium. "Do you know how to get onto the platform?" Meg asked exasperated. "I Do!"shouted a voice from behind them, then the owner of the voice rammed into the border between platforms nine and ten. Her long brown braid waved behind her an disappeared into the red brick wall. "The only reason she knows is because she and I watched some kid named Albus do it."said a slightly annoyed voice. "Oh, yeah, I'm Annie by the way, Annie Mounder. Who are you guys?"
One by one each girl introduced themselves after running through the barrier. Annie found an empty compartment in the back of the Hogwarts Express. The other girls bounded in and started to make a mess. Cedes and Magi brought all sorts of candies the other girls hadn't heard of. Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs, Fudge treacle, and over a gallon of Butterbear packed into a giant mug. When Meg pulled out a thermos of hot tea, Magi was flabbergasted. "How did you keep it so warm!?"
"It's just a thermos." Meg said, highly confused. Then Magi tried to make her Chocolate Frog melt by flicking her wand and shouting "THERMOS!" Which obviously didn't work. Emma, who bought an invisibility cloak with the last of her galleons in Diagon Alley, kept sneaking up to the woman with the dessert trolley and stole about thirty    more boxes of Chocolate Frogs completely unnoticed underneath her new cloak. Cedes kept trying to wrestle this one boy, who thought that girls shouldn't be allowed into elite wizarding  schools to the floor, until it took all five of the rest of the girls to pull her off. After about what seemed like minutes but was truly five hours, the Hogwarts Express came slowly to a stop in front of a beautiful river, sparkling under the moonlight.

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