Fighting Blind

70 17 2

Written by OwlOtaku123

I think this one-shot is decent, unlike my other one. The music is "Obito's Death Theme" *cue sobbing*. I listened to it while writing this.

"Izuna! Wake up! The Senju are attacking!" Madara yelled, shaking me.

My eyes flew open. The hopes of sleeping at night were shattered.

We ran outside into the foggy night, where we could barely see the outlines of the attackers through the mist.

We were badly outnumbered. The outpost here was only guarded by around ten Uchiha including Madara and I, eight of which have either never been in battle or had a handicap preventing them from fighting. Meanwhile, there were around sixty Senju attacking us, or rather, the outpost that supplied the Uchiha with food and weapons. We were supposed to oversee the transfer of more troops here, but the fog stopped them from coming.

Apparently, it didn't stop those crazy Senju.

Madara activated his Sharingan and said, "If I die, at least I'll go protecting my clan."


Someone put their hand on Madara's shoulder and pushed him back, startling him enough to deactivate his Sharingan.

"You're still a child, the future of the Uchiha. You will not die here," the man said.

"W-Who are you...?" I stuttered.

Once the moonlight passed over his face, I could see clearly. There was a long, thick scar that started from his right ear and traveled across his face, passing through the area where his eyes would be, and ended just below his left ear. There were no eye sockets. Just some mangled tissue. It was both disgusting and mesmerizing.

"I'm just someone who wants to prove that I'm useful without my eyes," was his strange response. With that, he turned to face the attackers and pulled out a scroll.

"Wait! I know you," Madara said, pulling on the sleeve of the man. "You're Father's brother, Tomeko Uchiha!"

"Does it matter what's my connection to the main family?" he said bitterly, not turning to face us. "Now fall back. I'm going to hold them off while you two send a message to the closest outpost with soldiers."

"Wait, are you actually going to fight?" I said frantically, finally realizing what was going on. "You're outnumbered and you want us to fall back?!"

"And you're also blind. How does an Uchiha fight without his eyes?"

There was the sound of a jutsu being weaved.

Then a gigantic wind pushed Madara and I back to the supply hut.

"Do not try and help me. That is an order from your uncle," was the last thing he said to us.


"Captain, the fog is making the outpost almost impossible to see," my second-in-command said nervously to me. "Should we continue this operation?"

"Attack anyway," I responded, giving him a nod. "Our scouters say that the only ones to defend this place are a couple wounded and two children."

"Yes sir," he responded, his voice a little less shaky.

Suddenly, there was a huge gust of wind.

What was that?

I squinted my eyes, trying to look at the source of the gust.

Is it some sort of defense of theirs?

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