Chapter 2

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"Mommy!" Ariel shook Scarlets shoulders.

"Huh?" Scar jumped up extremely confused. She sighed and leaned back once she regained her memory.

"Mornin'." I smile sitting next to her. I chuckle as she cuddles into my side.

I hear her breathing hard and I started worrying.

"Scar. Are you okay?" I ask seriously.

"Y-yes. W-why?" She said trying to catch her breath.

"Your breathing." I said as tears sting my eyes, "how long d-do you have l-left?"

"A week." She mumbled almost inaudible.

I lean my head back and try to blink my tears away.

"I'm taking you out tonight. I never really took you on a real date." I smile slightly down at her.  She giggles and kisses my cheek.

"Where are Ariels toys?" I ask intertwining my fingers with hers.

"I-I never had enough money for some." She looked down sadly.

"I do. I'm gonna get my baby girl some toys." I smile pulling them out of bed and pulling them towards the front of the bus.

"I'm taking the girls shopping!" I yelled at the others.

"Why are you doing this?" Scar asked once we were out of the bus.

"Because my princess needs toys!" I said happily looking down at Ariel who was gripping onto my hand.

"Where to first?" Scar sighed.

"ToysRUs!" I yelled picking Ariel up and running to the store with her giggling in my arms.

"Daddy!" She pointed to a stuffed animal, "can I get it?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course princess!" I smiled running after her. When she grabbed the teddy bear, I looked back at Scar seeing  her smiling at us.

"Mommy!" Ariel yelled running up to Scar, "look what daddy got me!"

I smiled and walked behind her and started tickling her.

"Thank you so much, Remington." Scar smiled happily at me.

"No problem." I smiled.

"Are we going back to the bus?" She asked as  I picked Ariel back up.

"Only if Ariel is happy with what she got." I smiled kissing Ariels cheek.

Ariel nodded and put her teddy bear on the counter.

I smiled and payed for the toy. When we were done, we started walking back to the bus. I smiled as I held Ariels hand and wrapped my arm around Scarlet.

This is going to be one hell of a tour!


395 words later

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. I hope you have a good one ❤️

- Lilly

Baby Leith (Remington Leith's daughter) ✓Where stories live. Discover now