Chapter One [re-written!]

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  "A new year, a new school," Was how Hussie, Homestuck's Guardian, had put it from across the kitchen table.
"A new year, a new hell," Was an unamused Homestuck's quick-witted reply through a mouthful of fruit-loops he'd stuffed in his mouth on the way to the kitchen. Tossing the bowl in a sink of soapy water, he'd grab his backpack from the doorway, giving a half-assed wave to his uninterested guardian, who was already occupied with the morning papers and their old-people gossip.
And now, as Homestuck stood in the doorway of a classroom crowded with a variety of, now staring, soon-to-be classmates, He knew his prediction was spot on. This would be fuckery he would remember-

His thoughts where interrupted by the teacher standing beside him; a short, chubby lady with short grey hair, and bright blue eyes named Ms.Memes. She wore black shoes, a blue bow in her hair, and a knee-length blue and yellow dress. She had a bright smile, holding a hand up to address the grey skinned fandom to the class,
"As most of you may already know, we have a new student!" She'd shake her hands with a little too-much enthusiasm, "This is Homestuck! I Hope you all give him a warm welcome," She'd smile as she returned to politely holding her hands in front of herself. Homestuck had mimicked the polite posture from their previous meeting in the halls, but as he scanned the class, his lime green gaze held a nervousness the teacher's lacked.
The class's enthusiasm was fading, and Homestuck didn't blame them; as far as he could tell, they all had their own... uniqueness to attend to-
His thoughts where interrupted at the sound of squeaking shoes, and he glanced up just in time to see a girl in knee high-socks and a bunny hat nearly fall out of her chair squealing, while someone a few desks away with chalky grey hair and dyed rainbow bangs made a sound alike to a- horse? - and face-planted onto their desk. Shocked, Homestuck would quirk a brow, but before he could question it, the pale ginger boy sitting a desk back from pony-boy would stand up, reaching over to give a comforting pat and word to his rainbow-haired friend.
The teacher would only giggle at this, "Oh, MLP, Please be patient." She'd chirp, turning her attention to the rest of the class as she led Homestuck to the front of the class with her, "Go ahead, tell the class something about yourself-" She'd encourage an introduction.

The teacher's intentions where good, but like a deer in headlights at the front of the class, Homestuck would freeze up. Lime green eyes wide, his pale skin would tint a hue alike his gaze, Much like one would blush. Caught off guard, the second of silence seemed to drag in Homestuck's mind, and he cleared his throat, speaking up.
"Uhh... Hi-"

A winged boy in the back of the class gave a snort of amusement, only worsening Homestuck's flustered state- What had he said about hell?- 
"My Name's Homestuck- I just moved here, and I'm new to the whole public school thing." He'd finally regain some of his coolness after ripping his gaze from the mocking stares of the students gathered at the back of the room, turning his attention to the friendlier ones up front.
Seemingly satisfied, the teacher would smile. "Well, We're happy to have you, Homestuck!" She'd reply with a smile.  The sound of pages crumpling would catch Homestuck's attention, turning just in time to see a blue-scarfed boy at the back of the class roll his eyes, pulling his book closer to his face- Well that's encouraging.

"Hmm, lets see... -you can sit beside Hetalia!" Ms.Memes would announce, gaining a nod from Homestuck, who quickly walked off to the rows of desks. He was almost half way there when he realized he had no idea who 'Hetalia' was, but the grinning Ginger boy an isle back from the front, waving at him made his worries disappear; at least his desk-buddy was friendly.

As he sat down, Ms.Memes spoke up again,"As you all may know, we are in the process of becoming a community school. Part of this change will be our class system. Instead of switching classes, we will have each class taught in our home room-" This would gain a groan from the class, but she ignored this, and continued with the lesson to follow.


Homestuck and Hetalia quickly became friends, in fact, enough to be called out at least once during each lesson for chatter, most of it on Hetalia's part. But Homestuck didn't mind, he wasn't a stranger to chaos.
Their conversations where good, but over the day, Homestuck's attention drew more and more to the group sitting off at the back of the class, where a pony-wall made of bookshelves created a little carpeted reading corner, a few beanbags strewn in the corners inside. Homestuck had quickly learned the group's names, thanks to Hetalia.
First, there was Supernatural, a tall, freckled fandom with brown hair and blue eyes. He sported a trench-coat with a black T-shirt underneath, an upside-down pentagram in white was printed across the fabric. Grey worn jeans accompanied this look, finished with a pair of muddy black converse. Black wings stretched from the boy's back where he sat against the corner wall, dipping over his shoulders, where the flight feathers would lay across the carpet. A dark-curly-haired boy with a black coat and dark blue scarf sat beside him, legs draped over the other fandom's lap. This was Sherlock, far too serious with his nose stuffed in the book he was reading, crumpled from earlier. Next, was Doctor Who, who sat on a shelf on the other side of Supernatural, sharing some snacks with South Park, who sat arms reach away, chattering on in his obnoxious manner.

Homestuck was pulled from his dream-like state to Hetalia, waving a hand in front of his face. "Ahh, you all there, friend?" He'd question softly, penny-colored eyes droopy with tiredness, but his brows quirked in mild concern for his newfound friend. Homestuck would smile back at Hetalia's dopey smile, giving a small chuckle, "Mhm, Just... Distracted." He'd decide, his response earning a giggle from the red-head, "I can see that," He'd reply, a little glint in his eyes, "You've been staring at them for some time now.."
This brought the green hue back to Homestuck's cheeks, and he'd purse his lips, narrowing his eyes as he replied, "Hetalia! Why didn't you tell me I was that obvious?" His actions where more of a playful interrogation than serious annoyance, though.
Hetalia knew this, but he smiled innocently as he answered, "I couldn't help myself! When you stare at something long enough, the black dots in your eyes go like a kitties!- Or just odd- and it's cool," He'd admire.

Maybe Hetalia wasn't the best at explaining things-

Homestuck would chuckle, "Do you mean pupils?"
Hetalia would nod, the curl atop his head bouncing, "Where the cat's eyes go long? Si!"
And with that, the two spend the rest of the day on their phone cameras in portrait view playing with their eyes.

[First re-write! Hope y'all enjoy it more than the first <3]

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