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The room was filled with chatter. Only a few out of the plethora of words audible could be heard.

Oh my goodness?


Did he really solve that case within two months?

He's the top agent in the FBI. Of course he finished it...

He's so amazing. I wish I could solve a case that fast!

For the first time in a few months, Yuuri Katsuki could not think or hear the music playing out of his crappy Apple headphones. He sat in his bland office chair, legs crossed and his chin on the palm of his hand while people stood up and conversed with the people around them. For the first time in months, several people were piled in this room, smiling and laughing and eating the assortments of food brought in. His boss was sitting across the room, laughing and exchanging smiles while putting an arm around his wife. Peers around him exchanged toasts and drank while conversing. The loud and vibrant mood of the room seemed odd to the dark haired boy, who'd spent weeks trapped in this room with tedious lectures and even worse paperwork. It almost gave him a headache, just hearing all the conversations in one room and the clinks of glasses. But when the boy thought the unbearable sound of the loudness couldn't get any worse, he just happened to see a silver haired male enter the room. The room grew silent for a few moments, as if the queen of England had just entered the room. But the silence ceased as people began to surround this male and a plethora of inaudible words from several people began to flow towards him. With that, Yuuri grabbed his wine glass and phone and rushed towards the door. Once the boy had rushed out, he sat onto the floor, pulled out his headphones, plugged them into his phone, and put the earpieces to his ears, which began to play Tiffany Blews by Fall Out Boy.
He closed his eyes and in a matter of seconds, he felt the pain in his head ease away and smiled in satisfaction. However, his thoughts were interrupted by the clatter of footsteps coming towards him. He opened his eyes and looked up, seeing his bubbly Thai mutual standing before him.

Yuuri smiled in relief. "Agent Chulalont,"

The male smiled before him. "Call me Phichit, Yuuri." Phichit sat down next to the dark haired male, who had proceeded to stop smiling and quickly look down at his feet.

After a couple of seconds, Yuuri took a sip of the wine in his glass and began  to speak. "What brings you here, Phichit?"

The younger male looks up at him. "Why did you rush out of the room?"

"Claustrophobia, that's all."

"Hmm..." Phichit turned to Yuuri  and inspected him as he continued to stare straight at his shoes.
"Are you sure it wasn't just something else? You know you can tell me anything, Yuuri."

The dark haired male finally turned to see his friend weakly smiling at him . He contemplated for a moment, wondering if he wanted to tell his best friend what was on his mind, but quickly shook off the idea and smiled back.
"Yeah...that's it."
Phichit nodded silently while Yuuri looked down to his phone to check the time. Only 11:00 at night..
"By the way.." Phichit began. "My parents wanted to give you this..."
The dark haired male looked down at his companion's hand just to see two neatly rolled up one hundred dollar bills. Yuri looked back at the boy in utter surprise. "W-what?"
Phichit placed it into the boy's hand. "They wanted to give you this so you could pay for the hospital bills for your mother. I know two hundred dollars isn't enough to save her, but we wanted to give our best shot."
Yuuri began to repetitively shake his head. "I-I can't take this. This is your hard earned money, Phichit. I don't wanna take that away from you."

Phichit let go of the bills and retracted his hand away from Yuuri's. "Please do so. It would mean the world to me."

The dark haired male stared at his friend in shock. He'd never been given money by anyone, even if it was a loan. He always believed in the ideal of  'what you earn is yours' and never took a second to ask for help. He was too stubborn for it anyway. But it all seemed a little contrasting when it came to Phichit, one of his closest friends.
"O-Okay...."  was all Yuuri could manage to mutter. He slipped the two hundred dollars in his back pocket. "Thanks Phichit.."

The younger male formed a cheeky smile on his face. "Oh it's nothing. Just know you can always count on me!"

At that moment, Yuuri felt his phone vibrate on his leg. He looked down at it and noticed the notification was only his evening reminder to visit a skating arena near his house. Yuuri sighed in relief at the sight of the notification not being a phone call or text message.
"I've gotta go." Yuuri finally mutters. The male pulls himself off of the ground and straightens up the tie hanging from his neck while Phichit watches. He hated leaving this early, but he knew he had something to do. Besides, Yuuri thinks to himself  It's not like anyone's gonna miss me...
With an exchange of waves between the two males, Yuuri rushes down the hallway on his right to gather his belongings to departure the building. However, a glimpse of something lighting up catches his eye and impulses him to stop to investigate. He looks to his left to see the silver haired male he'd seen in the office lighting up a cigar and leaning on a wall near a emergency exit. The two exchanged only small glances before the dark haired male shook his head and sped away before the other could even cock his head to the side.
The male near the exit brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled deeply. But no sooner did a small smirk appear on the man's face as he watched the younger boy disappear into another corridor.

The Stripper and the Bartender [Victuuri/Viktuuri] (DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant