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"No, Nikolina. I'm a vampire."
"Wha-what? H-how?"

I glared at my parents, than back at Nikalus. A vampire? How is that even possible? I'm a Fae, so he should he also. My mother sighed, and walked close to us.
"Nikolina. None of us are related." My mother said, and I looked at her.
"What do you mean?"
"We're adopted, Nikki," Nikalus said, "but even still you, and I aren't related by blood."
"I'm adopted?!" I said, overwhelmed, but keeping my cool all the same, "And your just now telling me this?"
"We never wanted to tell you in the first place, dear. You never got along with any of us besides Nikalus, we never wanted to ruin it."
"Ruin it? You guys hid the fact that my brother, who I'm not even related to, is a damn vampire. He went all this time knowing what I am, but now that he survived an accident, it's suddenly the right time to tell me?" I growled, and stood up, "Screw you."

I walked away from Nikalus's bed, and headed for the doorway.
"Nikolina, wait." Nikalus said, and moved to get up.
"Save it, Nik. I just need to be alone for right now." I said, and walked out of the room.

I walked out, and headed down the hallway, with Nikalus calling after me. I ignored it, and kept walking, until I saw Zaiden.
"Hey, Nina. You okay?" He asked, and I shook my head. He walked up to me, and hugged me, as silent tears fell. "Come on, let's go get some air."

Zaiden grabbed my hand, and pulled me with him to the nearest door that led outside. He opened it for me, and I walked out.

The cool breeze hit my face, drying my tears, and messing my hair up. I looked at the scenery in front of me. It wasn't anything big, but it was still beautiful all the same. The cherry blossom trees swayed in the wind, as the grass rolled forward and backwards.
"What happened, Nina?" Zaiden asked, and I looked at him, frowning, "Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. Please, forgive me."
"It's fine. I'm just overwhelmed," I said, and looked back at the view, "I'm adopted."
"Adopted? You mean Nik isn't your actual brother, and those aren't your actual parents?"
"Yes. That's exactly what I mean. But they just now told me, when Nik was on his death bed." I clenched my fist, and hit the wall, "he's a vampire also, for crying out loud. God, why did they hide such a big factor?! How come I never noticed?!"
"Nina, calm down. Your getting worked up again." Zaiden said, and pulled me towards him, stroking my hair, yet again. "It's okay. I'm sure they had there reasons. Just calm down now, okay? If you get worked up again, you'll go berserk."
"Yeah. Your right. I'm sorry."

Zaiden continued to hug me, until the door opened up behind us. I didn't turn around because I really didn't care for who it was, but the voice killed me.
"Hey. Can I speak to my sister alone?" Nik said, and Zaiden pulled away from me.
"Of course. I'll be inside with the others Nina." Zaiden said, and walked away from me to go to the guys.

Nikalus walked next to me, and looked at the scenery like me.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Nik said, and I nodded.
"Listen Nikki, I'm-"
"Why did you hide it, Nik?" I questioned, and looked at him. "Why didn't you tell me your a vampire? Or that we weren't related?"
"I wanted to tell you, okay? I wanted to," he said, and looked down at his hands, "more than anything in the world I wanted to tell you. But I couldn't. I just couldn't."
"Why didn't you tell me I was adopted? That we're both adopted?"
"I'm five years older than you, Nikolina. When our parents adopted you, you were just a few weeks old. Mom, and Dad wanted you to grow up with a family, they wanted you to have a good life. I grew attached to you instantly, but the thought that we weren't actually related...I hated it," he scrowled, and looked down, "if I told you, that you were adopted, then I'd have to come to terms with the fact we aren't related. But I never wanted to, I wanted to be the over-protective brother, that didn't have a care in the world about what others thought."
"Nik..." I mumbled, and looked at him, "even if we're not related by blood, your still my brother. You raised me, you took care of me, you protected me, your my best friend, and your always have been. It doesn't matter if we're not related by blood. Family is who make it. You will always be my big brother, no matter what happens."

Now it was Nik's turn to cry. A tear slid down his face, and I looked down. He embraced me tightly, and kissed my forehead.
"I love you Nikki."


Back inside the hospital, Lysander, and Lazarus were standing outside Nik's room, talking. Lysander noticed me, and walked over.
"There you are." He said, and I looked at him confused, "we thought you'd be back earlier with Zaiden, but he returned and you weren't. I was worried."
"She was with me." Nik said, appearing beside me.
"Ooh, scary. What you gonna do, vampire?" Lysander smirked, and I punched him in the stomach. "Ow, Princess!"
"Is everything situated?" Lazarus asked, curious. I nodded, and he smiled, "great. I hate to break it to you, Nikolina. However, we do need to return to campus soon. We've been gone for quite some time now."

I looked down at the floor, realizing I'd be leaving Nik again.
"I'll be fine, Nikki." He said, and I looked up at him.
"You better. I don't wanna hear about you being in an accident again, got it?"
"Yes, ma'am." He said, and I giggled.

Zaiden appeared out of nowhere, and waited next to Lazarus. Nikalus hugged me again, and I hugged him back tightly. I didn't want to let go.
"Ow. Ease up a little sis. You're gonna kill me." Nik said, and I punched his arm, "hey, what was that for?"
Smiling, I looked back up at him, "I'll see you soon, Nik."
"Yeah, see you."
"What about your parents, Princess?" Lysander asked, and I looked at him, and shrugged.
"Don't care. Let's go."
"Alright. Then let's go."

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