Sam Golbach: I love you

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You sat on the couch, blaring music and singing along.

"Go and shake it up!
Whatcha gotta lose?
Go and make your luck with the life you choose,
If you want it all,
Lay it on the line.
It's the only life ya got,
So ya gotta live it big time"

You were jamming out until you heard a click and a red faced Sam laughing at you in the doorway.

You blushed, covering your mouth.

"Is this what you do when I'm gone?" He asked, laughing.

"Pretty much," you giggled, "is that a problem?"

His eyes softened, as he walked over to sit next to you.

"Absolutely!" He waved his hands, "Next time, I get to join in, alright."

His frown turned into a smile, as he began tickling your sides.

"Sam," you managed to breathe out, "stop."

"Hm," he thought, "tell me something to make me stop."

He froze for a second, waiting for you response. You decided to take this
advantage, and say something you've been dying to say the day you met him.

"I love you Sam," you smiled, looking into his eyes.

Sam seemed shocked, his eye widening and jaw dropping.

He cupped your face, bringing you into a deep kiss, and pulling back.

"I love you too, Y/n," he said, kissing you again.

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