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Meet the Mean Girls. You'll have each of very one in a clique.

Gretchen's a suck-up. Her mouth is stuck to my ass like barnacles to a sea rock.

Karen is a whore. She can barely keep her legs close for more than ten seconds.

Regina keeps her Queen Bee status in check by what she does best: using their secrets against them.

Gretchen is so desperate for others' approval. She's like a needy, overly-attached girlfriend.

Karen came onto my boyfriend last week. Who the hell does she think she is?

Regina's a fortress. She's an Ice Queen on her throne, clinging onto her power her 'friends' are always trying to get at.

Gretchen's just insecure. Did you know her supermodel mom called her 'fat' in front of all her friends that other day?

No boy wants to talk to Karen unless she's putting out. Can you say: what the actual fuck?

Regina cried in front of me yesterday. Did you know she used to be Mathlete? She quit because, well, she was a Mean Girl. Mean Girls don't 'do' math.

Gretchen told me she would never be accepted; because she's been told she was too pudgy by her own mother.

Karen said her first boyfriend would only go out with her unless she let him touch her boobs.

Regina's mask was back on. When I asked if she wanted to talk about the day she cried, she said if I didn't quit it she'll eviscerate me and use my ribcage to hang her jewelry. I think she wants to forget she cried in front of me. I don't really blame her.

When I offered to help pick outfits for Gretchen, she said she rather eat a whole bowl of buttercream cupcakes worth 800 calories. Did I do anything wrong?

Karen threatened that if I ever tell anybody what she told me, she'd personally have a three way with my boyfriend.

I guess they're just Mean Girls being Mean Girls.


can u say boo u whore?


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