Unexpected Recruiting

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Hello! I'm PervySage15! This is a remake of Welcome to Bloodgulch, I needed to restart it and make it better. I hope to do better this time around. If ya dont know Red vs Blue, please stop reading.

"Hi" speech
'Hi' thoughts
Scene Change
AI (artificial intelligence)
Speech over communications

I don't own red vs blue or Rooster Teeth

  The day started like any other day they ever had. They ran into each other in the morning by the bus loop. There are five of them, all are either 16 or 17 years old. The first was Branden Crystle. He is shorter than almost all of his friends except for another. He stood at 5'6", white skinned, has brown short hair that seperates upwards and outwards with brown eyes hidden behind thick, rectangular glasses. He is wearing a blue T-shirt under a grey jacket, light blue jeans, and black sneakers.

  Standing in front of him was Brandon Tucker. He is 5'7", white skinned, with even shorter, brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a blue shirt that says something about reporting for booty, white cargo shorts, and black sneakers with blue design.

  Connor Anderson, who arrives last, was taller than the rest, standing at  6ft. He is white with dirty blonde hair that turns around his head and green eyes. He wears a red and blue flannel over a graphic T, jeans, black converse with white laces and rubber places. In his right arm was his longboard that was red and sand colored with green wheels.

  Michael Loya, who is always here first, leaning on the wall. He was a bit shorter than Connor, white skinned, really dark, really short hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a graphic T, gym shorts, and highlighter yellow sneakers with black laces and design. To his left, was his longboard that was black with a sick skull design and black wheels.

  Last and possibly least (not), Jamie Kitchens. He is the same height as Branden, white, dirty blonde that circled clockwise around his head with hazel eyes. He is caught wearing a blue graphic T, light cargo shorts, white sneakers with hints of red and black laces.Around his neck were his signature black bluetooth headphones.

  These five teens were friends. They could see it and so do others, who walk by, just watching the chaos.

  Now today was September 19th, 2016, monday of homecoming week. Today was class color day. The juniors had blue for their color. But today was going to be the day things changed for the five of them.

  Michael, in all seriousness started the morning with,"Did you ever wond..?" He was cut off as a transport they all remember from a show the all have in common. It was a Pelican class dropship and it was heading for the football stadium on the other side of school.

  Connor and Michael were off, skateboarding to the other side of the school. "Hey, gu-" Brandon tried to talk, only to be pulled by Jamie, to start running to the other side of the school. Branden just stared, waiting to wake up. Then he noticed that it was real and ran after Jamie and the others.

  Once the three arrive, they almost run over Connor and Michael. They turned towards them in anger, only to relax when they saw them. "How about we go over to the Pelican?" suggested an overwhelmed Jamie. After many arguments and awkward comments, Connor suggests,"Ok, how about a vote? Aye for going over." Branden and Jamie raised their hands. "No one said aye. But we're  still going because I vote yes too!"Connor ended on an excited note. Michael and Brandon groan but follow none the less.

  Unnoticed by the bickering teens, the cargo door opened. Two armed men that wore armor that looked like the rebel armor in season 12 of red vs blue. They talked silently while observing the teens. The two rebels were reminded of the reds and blues of Bloodgulch, which were in the Pelican dropship behind them. Then they had a very terrible idea that they will soon regret.

  "Hey you five arguing!" Yelled the rebel with dark blue designs. The teens stopped bickering and looked at the pair of rebels. "Yes?" Asked Connor cautiously.

  "I am Leiutenant Andersmith and this to my right is Leiutenant Palomo. Now have you five ever heard of Valhalla Outpost Alpha?"

  The teens looked at one another in surprise, trying to proccess what they just heard from the armored men.

   "Well, we have heard of it, but you wouldn't believe how we know," Brandon said, not needing a reality breaking conversation.

    "Oh yeah! Try me," dared Palomo, being the idiot he was.

    "No, we can't, it could break all the rules of time travel! We must go back!" Jamie started talking nonsense about time travel like from Back to the Future(I don't own it!)

    The teens looked at Jamie, ready to slap him. Michael walks up to him and slaps the back of his head. "Shut up you fuckwit." He said plainly.


Hello dear readers! If you are wondering, why the new story,  it needed to be done. I had some facts wrong. I didn't plan properly. But this is a new me, hopefully.
I need reviews if you guys see something wrong.
Happy Christmas too all, and to all, a good... morning?

Welcome to Valhalla Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon