Trip to Valhalla

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Hi! PervySage15 is back with another chapter of Welcome to Valhalla.
Disclaimer- Check the first chapter

  On the Pelican

"What's going on out there Palomo?" Asked a man in aqua Mark VI armor. "Captain Tucker, you might wanna see this. Maybe the rest of the reds and blues as well," stated a very surprised Palomo.

  Tucker makes a wierd face behind his helmet. He looks to rest of the crew minus Church cuz, well, he isn't with them anymore. After standing up to Hargrove, he disappeared. "You guys wanna see what has Palomo's panties in a bunch?" Asked the ever perverted Tucker. Caboose, Sarge, and Washington stood up and walked to the bay door. "Let's see what's up. After you Tucker," says Wash.

  When they walk out, they see a group of confused teens staring at the two lieutenants of the rebel army, while two of them were bickering. One teen in an aqua shirt, white cargo shorts , and dark sneakers turns to stare at the simulation troopers walking out of the Pelican.

  Brandon sees the sim troopers and starts to tug on Branden's shirt to get his attention. Branden turned to see what his aqua loving friend wanted. What he sees surprises him.

  "Um, hi guys. My name is Lavernius Tucker. These three are Michael Caboose, Sarge, and Agent Washington," Said the soldier in aqua armor, while pointing to the other armored men.

  "I don't know whether to feel surprised or not. But you introduced yourselves, I guess we should do so as well," Connor reasoned aloud, who is trying to proccess this whole situation, but is very excited to see some of his heroes.

  "Here it goes. Hi, I'm Connor Anderson, and they are Brandon Tucker, Jamie Kitchens, Michael Loya, and Branden Crystle." Connor pointed accordingly to his friends. They smiled and waved at the troopers when introduced. Sarge and Wash stared at Brandon, then looked to Tucker, than back to Brandon, and back again. They all thought one thing, 'More frie-' Wait that's Caboose. Sarge and Wash thought one thing. 'Well fuck me sideways, we have another Tucker.'

   Jamie walked up to Caboose and asked, "You wanna be friend?" He was grinning madly at the messed up simulation trooper in standard blue armor.

  His friends looked visibly frightened at the question. 'Why did it have to be us?!?!' Mentally screamed the other four teens. They were stuck with Jamie, whatever diety up there damn him for being so idiotic.

  "So will they be joining us Captain Caboose?" Asked Freckles, waiting for an answer. "Of course they will Freckles! These are our new friends! Come on Jammy, we are going home!!"

  Everyone but Caboose and Andersmith deadpan at his antics. "Well lets get to it shall we?" Tucker suggested. "Oh I'll get to something. Bow chicka bow wow!" Tucker looked to Brandon in surprise. Sarge and Wash groaned. 'It's confirmed. There's another one,' they thought simultaneously.

  The teens followed the rebels, red, and blues into the Pelican, even if Michael was somewhat hesitant.

  Once inside the Pelican, the teens get to see the rest of the reds and blues. They saw Donut at the left closest to them, sitting down with Doc to his left. Next to him is an empty seat, Simmons, empty seat, Grif, then Lopez, and an empty seat for Sarge. The right side of the Pelican is empty for the  blue team and the lieutenants. Jensen and Matthews are up front with Carolina and the pilot.

  Carolina walks out of the cockpit to see the blue team, Sarge, and lieutenants. She notices the five teens and reaches for a plasma rifle. Only to notice they were really normal teens.

  "Hello. My name is Carolina. May I know your names at least?" She asked in a haughty tone. After introducing themselves, Carolina realed back at the thought of two Tuckers. Everyone else just groaned at the same thought.

  Brandon grinned and rest of the teens were chuckling and started to burst out laughing. Then they noticed one thing, two Tuckers, twice as many puns, twice the annoyance. "We are all fucked aren't we? 'Cause if we are, I call Carolina!" Branden states only to be punched in the balls by said freelancer. "Worth. . . It ." The teen falls into unconsciousness, on the floor at the feet of Carolina as everyone who just got back into the Pelican sat down and got all buckled up. Then, surprising the reds and blues, Carolina picked up Branden from the floor and buckled him up. She left for the cockpit and told the pilot they were clear for leaving the planet.

   The teens remembered that they didnt say their last words to their families and woke up Branden to remind him about it.

   "Fuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!" The reds and blues were surprised by the language Branden just used and undid his restraints and went to the cockpit to tell the pilot to let them say their goodbyes to their families.

   "Sorry kid, but no." "What gives you the right!" Branden yelled as he started and arguement. "I'm the pilot." "SO! All of you soldiers either don't have families to return to or said you farewells to your families before leaving to probably die in a war that was almost hopeless. Now let us go back or the lieutenants don't get farewells either." As he had a rifle, which he took off of Grif, who was too lazy to care, and pointed it at Matthews. Carolina saw that he had issues, his friends were thinking among the lines of 'shit', the lieutenants wanted to laugh but saw that this was serious, and the reds and blues were gaping at the teen that said so the many truths that scared them.

   The pilot however, stopped the teen and said, "You're right. I'm so sorry for saying no. I just thought you were a snobby kid, doing what he wants. We are going, get settled in. Its gonna be real fast." In the background, you can hear Tucker saying,"I like it fast, Bow chicka bow OW!" He just got kicked in the nuts by Wash, who walked back to his seat and buckled back up. Wash said, "Carolina told me too." When some of the group looked to Carolina, they would see her looking at the pilot.
   The teens laughed at Tucker's situation. Branden held onto the wall as they left for Michael's place. Michael said his farewells to his family and left with his old backpack, longboard, and chain with Monster tabs.

   Then they arrived at Connor's place, where he admitted he would miss them in the heat of the moment and hugged them all, except his sister(they waved), leaving with a bag filled with old momentos and clothes.

   They now left to Brandon and Jamie's houses where they said goodbye and to take care of each other and gathered their belongings. Jamie called his girlfriend to tell her that he loved her and that he won't be back for awhile. Branden all the while blushed at seeing the girl he liked and admitted his feelings for her as a way of saying goodbye.

   Lastly, Branden's place, where his sister had to stay home and his Dad, surprisingly, didn't have work that day. He said farewell to them both and left with some valuables and clothes. With their bags filled with their prized possessions, clothes, and memories, they left for Valhalla Outpost Alpha 1.

   They arrived at the all too familiar base with a waterfall and a whole body of water on the other side. Now they say their thanks to the pilot and the lieutenants, the soldiers saying their farewells.

  They left for their bases, blues taking all the teens except Michael, who chose to go to red base with Doc and the reds.

   Sarge was spouting about some shit about the reds being the most superior group known to all living beings. Grif was talking about spaghetti and meatballs. Simmons was talking to Grif about getting a control on his food obsessions. Doc and Donut were chatting about god knows what. While Lopez hung back with Michael, thinking the new meatbag was cool.

   Tucker was talking to the teens about girls, causing Branden, Connor, and Jamie to blush like crazy at the thought of the girls they liked. Brandon snickered at his friends' predicament. They glared at him, while the sensible adults of blue team glared at Tucker. Caboose was dancing around like a fairy in the Garden of Eden.

    New dangers await this ragtag group of friends and recruits. But they won't ever see it coming.


Hello readers!! Hope to see some comments left after this chapter. I would love to hear what you say. Or if you have nothing nice to say, then shut your trap (pardon my French for this) the fuck up.

And if you want, I have other stories that I'm writing, but no one is reading them. If you would like, please check out my profile.

Have a good (night/day/afternoon) you guys!

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