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The days, that felt like weeks, going on, and on, as the war continued. The Crystal gems haven't had rest as the war spread across All of beach city. 

There were many soldiers hiding around and some that were out in the open just trying to get their hands on a gem. Long story short, somehow, our tiny group survived, but almost gone...

Steven Pov

I has been 3 days since our battle for Earth and I do believe we had god on our side as we had new strength to pull us to the end. Most of us atleast...

"PEARL, AMETHYST,Peridot! Hang on were almost there!" I screamed as me, garnet, and lapis ran to moms fountain. I could feel my eyes swell with tears as I realized I wasn't there to protect them. it all happened during the war

Flash back

"Come on! we can beat them!" pearl yelled as she, along with Amethyst and Peridot were surrounded by soldiers and more heading there way. I could do was try to fight my way through the soldiers but when I finally got through, I saw three gems in the hand of a Jasper cracking as she tightened her grip. I saw lapis come behind the Jasper and used the ocean to squeeze the life out of her form and her gem.

End of flashback

We finally arrived but I couldn't see much due to my tears blinding me. "There are thorny vines here again! The fountain must be off!" Garnet yelled as she picked up a bolder and practically threw it to make an entrance. But in doing so, made the gems crack more. "Garnet!" i cried. "Try licking them again,see if that works, I'll find a way to turn the fountain on!" She yelled as she ran in. "It's gonna be okay Steven." Lapis said but sounded as if she was on the edge of tears. we ran to the fountain to wait for the water to arrive."nothing bad in going to happen to you, not while I'm around." I whispered to the gems, but mostly Peridot. I couldn't loose my girlfriend.Not to some shitty Jasper

Author Note: WOW! Chistmas eve already?! also WTF did I just right?! This is a chrimas present just for u my loves. More on the way! I think now I say, "Merry Chistmas to all, and to all a good night!" I luv u, Bye <3 <3 <3

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