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Now I have a neighbour.

I meant, it wasn't like Kim Junhee and her family weren't my neighbours in the first placeㅡ but the fact that we rarely see each other doubted me sometimes. Seeing that her brother had moved in with them, it had been troublesome for me to keep seeing him at the balcony.

My guesses were rightㅡ he would be standing there with a cigarette in his hand like those bad boys in the movies, with his smokes endangering my tomato plants around the balcony. With minimal conversation, he really acted like a real neighbour; trying to keep up with the gossip surrounding the people in this complex apartment. It usually ended with me getting bored and went back inside without saying anything. That must had irritated him.

I would love to resist back the urge from going out at nights again, but habits would not die fast. It was something I started to do on daily basis that I had thought it to be a necessary thing to complete at the end of the day.

I woke up late as usualㅡ with no one ordering me around and be mad about it. Seeing that neither of my parents had walked into that door in rush meant that the school hadn't called them yet about my situation.

As I showered my tomato plant with dripping high vitamin water, I couldn't help but to notice the growth on the vegetables. At least I could manage raising up a plant. If I were at school, I doubt I would be any use at all. The truth was, even if I disappeared from that classroom, no one would notice.

Ever since they thought I was a bad guy for ruining the proposal for the Student Council that I was working with, I didn't think I would last longer with hateful stares and sarcastic remarks about my credibility. Soon it grew larger since I was too lazy to correct things from the rumours, so people took advantage over it even though it was nothing big in the first place. It was like I committed a grave sin.

The sound of the windows slide caught my attention. The usual new neighbour went out to the balcony again, and I was sure he needed to satisfy his urge to smoke again. But I was wrong. "What's your phone model?"

I narrowed my eyes to the weird question all sudden. Though I was hesitant to reply, his waiting face was what had made me answered. "..I'm an avid user of Samsung."

"Great!" He smiledㅡ and it was something unexpected to see. "Can I borrow your charger for a while? Mine is not usable because it's overheated."

"I'm sorry, what?" Did he just blatantly ask for a charger..from me? And what on earth happened that made his charger overheated?

"My phone ran out of battery already. I have to make an important call today, so can you help me?" As a proof, he showed me his phone that was in all black and nothing on his screen.

"Hah? Why should I help you?"

"Think this as if I'm borrowing your sugar or something." That isn't the same thing, sir. "Won't you at least help out a panic guy over here?"

"You better buy a new one fast because I ain't gonna keep providing you my charger." I bitterly retorted before heaving a defeated sigh. Dropping the water can, I then went to grab my charger. Again, due to out of courtesy.

"At home I rely on my sister, outside I rely on my friends. Thank you." He accepted the thing with a genuine smile, with inserted random quote. Now that I thought about it, that didn't really fit him. "Here, take one." He threw something in the air for return, and I frowned when it turned out to be the same mint candy he had been giving.

"I don't really want this."

He raised a brow in a questioning manner, "Woah, really? Usually when a guy gives something to girls, they will go kyaa kyaa like that and want more." Just what kind of drama he has been watching that makes him to think cheesily like that.

I just shrugged, and didn't bother to reply. He had been calling me over for every small thing. And yet he never asked about me being home all day. Maybe he could notice that something was wrong with me being in school. If he started thinking I was in suspension or had been expelled, I didn't think I had the energy to correct his opinion.

He leaned on the balcony, watching me nurturing my potato plant with gentle care. It was like that for a few minutes before he broke the ice with a long breath. "I think I'll skip my work today, too. Going to classes and heading for meetings are in the same scale of troublesome."

Wow, this ahjussi thinks very similar to my lazy brain. "..you think so?"

"When the weather is this nice, it's the best to just lounge around at home. I don't mind it." He replied. I didn't expect to hear him saying things like that. "Hey, when your plant grows up later, give me the biggest one okay? I think it's going to be delicious since a handsome guy is around."

And as usual, I ended up getting inside to my house with no reply over such high esteem comment.

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