C H A P T E R 1

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Dark magic

Chapter 1~

Louis' POV

I remember as a child, my parents telling me stories. Stories of people who aren't like others. That can, heal, move things with their mind, control your thoughts, change the elements to their pleasure, create illusions that cannot be explained, and even see the future.

Having such "gifts" could be exciting and fun, as well as dangerous and consuming. Which meant the carrier had to have a lot of strength inside to not use it for their selfish needs.

These special people were supposed to restore balance, go out of their way to help people.

This is what lead me to believe why I am sitting in an aisle of an abandoned warehouse with four strangers. Time ticked on slowly as we made awkward eye contact.

One of the guys has dark black hair and light brown eyes with stubble from facial hair slowly growing back, the one sitting next to him has blonde hair that had brown roots accompanied by bright blue eyes. I turn my head and sitting about two feet away from me is a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes, he seemed to be looking around and taking in everything, he looks anxious. Finally, the last boy sitting the farthest away had curly brown hair and deep green eyes. He seems upset, in deep concentration, but I can't tell why.

"You guys are boring." We all turned our heads to the direction which the female voice came from. Around the corner came a girl with dark brown hair wearing a black right dress and a large ring noticeable ring on her index finger. When I made eye contact with her a smirk formed on her face. Echoing behind her was a sound of clicking heels. Then entering though the same direction as the unknown girl came another girl, only this one was much shorter, and wearing much brighter clothes.

"Hello." The curly haired boy says as he pushes himself up from the ground. He walks up to the girl dressed in black and looks her in the eyes for a while until he speaks, "Tell me your name." I was confused by his demanding tone.

The girl just raises her perfectly shaped eyebrow and laughs, her friend seemed like she didn't know what to do or what was happening so she joined in and laughs along with her awkwardly.

"Let me guess you're Harry Styles, right?" She says and took a sip out of the plastic mug rested in her hand before she continues, "Your tricks won't work on me."

Harry looks her in the eyes again, he looks like he isn't staring at her in a flirting way, but almost as if he was trying to read something. She laughs once again and walks right past us with her friend tagging close behind her.

"Well aren't you guys coming?" She turns back around at us and we were all are planted on the floor while Harry is leaning against the wall.

"Coming where? This is an abandoned warehouse." The one with black hair says blankly.

"No that's just what it looks like right now," The still unnamed girl turns her direction to the blonde boy "I bet Niall sees something else."

Niall moves his head slowly up and down.

"What do you see? Tell us Niall?" The girl prompts.

"I see... I see white walls, I see two huge black couches in the corner..." As he keeps on saying what he saw slowly the room transformed. I shot up from the now carpeted floor followed by the other guys. What the hell is happening? Niall seemed so into his vision that he didn't know what he was causing around him, the more and more words that left his mouth the more and more objects appeared.

Dark Magic- A Louis Tomlinson FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now