14 - You Make Up

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Tony Stark -
Tony woke up the next morning with the worst hangover. He shouted your name a couple of times but he had no response.
"Sir, it seems Miss Y/L/N left last night." Jarvis informed Tony.
He sat in shock for a moment before asking,
"Where is she?"
"She is in The Oak Hotel, sir." Jarvis replied.
Tony jumped out of bed and made himself look as presentable as he could. You were watching your favourite film on TV, when you heard a knock at your door. You opened the door to find the last person you thought you would see standing there.
"Tony? What are you doing here?" You asked, swallowing the lump in your throat.
"I came here to apologise for what I did and said last night, it was uncalled for and I am so so sorry." He said as he brought your favourite flowers out from behind his back, "Do you forgive me?"
"This is your last chance." You told him before kissing him.

Steve Rogers -
After one hour of him sitting on the couch with his head in his hand, crying. Steve decided to try and find you. He contacted your best friend and she said that you were with her. He rushed to his car and made his way to your best friend's house.
You sat inside crying and thinking about everything Steve said, you were pulled out of your thoughts by the doorbell ringing answer you stood up to go answer it.
Steve stood there with red, puffy eyes and began speaking,
"Y/N, you are the love of my life and I am so sorry for comparing you to Peggy. It's just that she was special to me but now you are the special one. I hope you can forgive me." You hugged him tightly and said,
"I forgive you."

Bruce Banner -
It had been a month since you broke up with Bruce. You stayed in touch with Tony so you could know how Bruce was doing. Apparently, he was doing rerribly and was spending every moment in the lab, which didn't surprise you.
However, what did surprise you was Tony stood at your door at two in the morning.
"What?" You asked. Tony had just told you that Bruce was beating himself up over the argument and wasn't attending to all of his needs.
"We need your help Y/N," Tony begged "You are the only one who can get through to him."
"Okay, I'll come with you." You gave in.
You made your way through the tower to the lab where Bruce was, you saw him sat there with his head in his hands, obviously crying.
"Bruce?" You called softly.
Bruce's head jerked up in surprise and he looked at you in shock, "Y/N?"
"Yeah, it's me." You reassured him. He immediately jumped out of his seat and engulfed you in a hug, muttering apologys.
"It's okay Bruce, I forgive you."

Clint Barton -
It had been a rough two months for you as you stayed with Y/F/N. It wasn't until Clint returned from a mission injured, that you were contacted by Natasha. As soon as you found out, you made your way to the Avengers Compound as quickly as possible. When you arrived, you saw Clint sat up in the hospital bed,you reached over to him and hugged him gently.
"You are okay." You said, more to yourself.
"Look Y/N, I'm really sorry. I just thought that you would be safer and happier without me." He said truthfully.
"Well you thought wrong." You told him and kissed him.

Thor Odinson -
Thor returned to you four months after he left for Asgard because he missed you terribly. He rang your doorbell and stood outside, holding your favourite flowers, waiting for you to open the door. When you did, he started speaking,
"Lady Y/N, I am incredibly sorry about shouting at you. I love you and I can't see a life without you. The war in Asgard is over and I am going to spend every minute with you. Do you forgive me, Lady Y/N?"
You nodded your head with tears in your eyes and hugged him tightly.

Pietro Maximoff -
Pietro knew to give you your space, so he did, for three months. He sent you a beautiful dress and told you to meet him on the roof. You put the dress on and made yourself look presentable. When you reached the roof, you saw Pietro stood there with your favourite flowers and a dinner table set up behind him, he slowly walked towards you while speaking,
"Y/N, I am sorry for hurting you. I was drunk and I didn't realise what I was doing until you stormed in, then I realised that I truly messes up. I really want to be with you forever and I want to be with you again. Do you think you could forgive me?"
You instantly pulled him into a passionate kiss while muttering 'yes'.

Bucky Barnes -
Steve called you the next day, telling you how much of a mess Bucky was. You told him you would be there in ten minutes. When you arrived, you knocked on the door and Steve answered. He directed you to where Bucky was and you made your way there. You saw Bucky sitting in the corner with his knees tucked into his chest and his head on top of them, you pulled him jnto a hug and he flinched but relaxed when you started to speak,
"You aren't a monster, Bucky. You are the man that I live. The man that I want to spend the rest of  my life with. Please don't beat yourself up over this, I'm okay and I forgive you."
He looked up at you with tears in his eyes and said, "I love you too."

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